The 100 Acre Woods

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When I was younger, I used to live in the 100 Acre Woods.
There, the jocund sunshine, I could see.
When I get older, I am sure I could find
A cold, tumultuous storm, I shall flee.

When I was younger, and all was fun,
I could find fresh dewdrops on the leaves.
When I get older, I'm certain to find
The Woods, a concrete jungle, metal trees.

When I was younger, I had a make-believe bear
And his perennial appetite for honey.
When I get older, I know I will assuredly find
The people's evident appetite for money...

I am still younger, and yet, I know
The soft-hearted are needed in this world's core of stone.
I am still older, and yet, I know
The childish joys of life, the dark Woods still show.

My quest has only begun,
For I am still young.
The light, I shall try to discover,
'Til I find the sun.

And there I stood,
Overlooking the 100 Acre Woods.
My gaze was put upon the deep undergrowth.
"There, honey, I shall search. To find, I hope I should."

And there I stood,
Wondering what would happen if I would.
Take a leap of faith!
Into the forest, place my foot.

And there I stood,
Pondering upon the mood.
The world may seem dark but,
I'm sure there's some good!

And there I went,
Standing still, no more.
Confident, forward-bent.
Searching for sugar in a land, sour and sore.

And then I walked, a shiver, down my spine.
I made my path straight, follow the North Star as a directional sign.

And then I danced in the Woods, waiting for a star so bright!
I sung though I had to wait, for
Eventually, it shall come into sight.

And then I saw!
The wonderfully, wondrous wonder!
The sun rising, its golden rays.
The fragments of light, to darkness, plunder.

And there I stood,
Diving deep into its warmth.
I knew, if I get confused in the Woods,
Just head towards the North.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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