Chapter 4: Good Riddance

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Finding out about Seraphus was gut-wrenching, but after Phoebus informed her about the missing artifact, Alexis was distraught. She hadn't spoken a word since. She merely did what she was told as Angelo delegated different tasks to conclude the preparations for their much-anticipated departure.

The recruits were very aware of the tension between the three Riders. And they were especially aware of Mateo's burgeoning grudge against Alexis, not that he tried to hide it. But they also knew he wouldn't do anything stupid with Angelo around to keep him in check.

When the bound logs finally began to resemble their original transportation, Phoebus and Dominic pulled it toward the riverbank. Shortly after Angelo and Mateo carried Seraphus' linen-wrapped body and carefully placed it on the raft.

Angelo straightened his posture and observed as a haunched Mateo's hand lingered on his cousin's head.

Next Lucas came with Aquila in his arms, pressing her healthy wing against his chest. He gently placed his wounded griffon next to his fallen comrade and got onto the raft himself before making space for Dominic.

"We have to get a move on, Aquila doesn't have long," Lucas urged.

Dominic glanced back through the open fort gate. His eyes landed on Alexis sitting miserably on a crate in the courtyard. Rufus had given him the abridged version of what transpired before he woke up, but he couldn't help feeling that there was more to the story than he was entrusted with. Still his heart was heavy with the price Seraphus had paid, and he eagerly accepted when the Riders requested one of the volunteers to travel back by raft.

"I'll get my bag," Dominic said before hurrying back to his room which was the closest door to Alexis' current position.

"How are you holding up?" he asked when he emerged with his bag's strap draped over his shoulder.

Alexis contemplatively looked up at him. Her face was pale and dark rings hung heavy underneath her brown eyes.

"How are you holding up?" she ricocheted.

"Fair enough," he huffed. "See you on the other side then," he forced a flat smile and started walking, shooting one last look in her direction in time to catch her slowly waving goodbye.

"See you guys," Dominic said as he passed Rufus and Aurelia who were standing next to Leo and Draco just outside the gate.

"Safe travels, Dominic," Aurelia said in a sweet voice. Rufus gave a nod to echo her sentiment. Though the mission was by all accounts a colossal failure, they did feel considerably closer to the fifth volunteer whose bow has earned him both respect and gratitude.

Dominic boarded the raft and signaled Lucas that he could go. The Rider grabbed a freshly carved oar and began to steer them down Nebula toward the Euangelion veil, winding out of sight.

Rufus and Aurelia moved closer to Leo while glancing over at Alexis. She stared in their direction for a moment before standing up and slowly willing her feet forward, ever scanning her surroundings to pin Mateo at a safe distance away. He and Angelo were still by the river.

Phoebus was walking toward Draco who was sitting in the courtyard, faithfully waiting for his Rider to steer them back home.

"Do you have everything? I think we're about to set off," Phoebus said before swiftly turning toward his room to retrieve his own bag, his sword was still attached to his hip.

"We haven't really spoken about it since I came back," Alexis' soft but steady voice stopped Phoebus in his tracks.

"About what?" he didn't turn to face her.

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