Chapter 1 Where ideas come from

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„Come out, come out wherever you are". A voice echoed through the corridor. Sharp nails screeching into the metal wall as the person continued moving along the corridor.

Hiding behind the wall that was at the end of the corridor was a another person, a girl to be precise.

Specifically a teenager.

Breathing so quietly that her breath couldn't be heard even if you stood next to her.

One of her hands covering her mouth and the other one holding a gun. Her eyes wandering from behind the wall, looking at the person and then back at the gun.

Without second thought she stepped from behind the wall, lifting up the gun. One of her fingers on the trigger of it. „TAKE THIS YOU LITTLE PIECE O-."


Ok, now you might be asking yourself. „Stella, how the fuck did you end up in this type of situation ?!"

Well...I guess I have the answer for that. But for your idiotic brain to understand it we gotta start from the very start.

So grab popcorn, maybe grab a drink while you're at it and prepare to hear the beginning of this ridiculous situation I ended up myself in.

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