𝑷𝑨𝑹𝑻 𝑶𝑵𝑬 🝮︎︎︎︎︎︎︎ 2

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Faith had come back to the DG today. She had been in hospital three weeks.

Meaning Bailey had been at the DG for three weeks.

He hadn't been that bad. I mean, he still said idiotic things every time he opened his mouth, and he was still way too full of himself, but he hadn't made anymore comments on anyone's looks or bodies.

But anyway, back to Faith. Ava was originally excited to welcome her. They made a banner, decorated the spare room downstairs (where she would be staying, considering the fact she was in a wheelchair) and altogether tried to distract her as much as possible.

But she had been moody, unwilling and unhappy, and none of them were wanting to be around her that much.

So they had all left her to it, gathering with Mike and May-Li in the lounge.

"Does this mean she doesn't want to see my downstairs shower invention?" Mo asked sadly.

"Mo, it's a watering can!" Harry rolled his eyes.

"We shouldn't've made such a fuss," sighed May-Li. "Should've just kept things low-key."

"You're right," Mike nodded. "She's probably just desperate to get back to normal."

"Yeah, but normal for Faith's like running a marathon before breakfast," shrugged Johnny.

"She won't be doing that for a while," agreed Lily, who was Tee, Carmen and Ava's best friend that completed their group. She was on respite care, and so didn't always live at the DG, and sometimes lived with her dad. However, she was here that day, and the girls were happy to have her back.

"Will she be in a wheelchair forever?" Harry asked Mike.

"No," Mike said. "Only until her back gets better."

"And when will that be?" Carmen raised her eyebrows.

"Listen, we don't know yet," May-Li said calmly. "She has to be patient."

There was a banging noise, suddenly, and a loud thump.

"Yeah, sounds like Faith's not so good at being patient," sighed Dylan.

"Oh, come on!" Mike reprimanded him. "Put yourself in her shoes, huh? We're all gonna have to make a bit of an effort now, and you, Dylan-"

But his warning for Dylan was cut off by a car horn being honked in a tune, way too loudly.

"Are we expecting someone?" May-Li frowned.

"Rude," Lily pointed out, as the horn continued.

"Is that the ice cream man?" Floss put in.

"Hey, that's my dad!"

The last comment had come from Bailey, and then he was running outside.

"Dad?! What the f-" Ava cut herself off, running after him, all the other kids behind her.

Mike got out before her, though, and said to her. "Stay here."

Ava gave him a nod, even though she had no intention of doing so, and then watched as Bailey and his dad exchanged a hug, both laughing.

Bailey Wharton was getting more interesting by the minute. Well, through Ava's eyes, he was.

"Dad, stop it! Get off!" Bailey said, as his dad, laughing, ruffled his hair. "Get off!" He yelled again, throwing him away. "Where've you been?"

"I know, I know," his dad chuckled.

"Three weeks," Bailey replied, and Ava couldn't help but notice a bit of pain in his voice. He had trusted his dad, and been let down. "I've been ringing and ringing."

𝑰 𝑫𝑶 𝑪𝑨𝑹𝑬 🝮︎︎︎︎︎︎︎ 𝑨𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒔 (The Dumping Ground)Where stories live. Discover now