His Car Isn't Yours

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Karina shifted uncomfortably in the passenger seat as Jaemin turned onto her street. The evening air was warm, reminiscent of a summer long gone. Jaemin glanced over at her, his smile easy and comforting, but it wasn't enough to chase away the shadows of her memories.

"Thanks for picking me up," Karina said, her voice soft.

"No problem at all," Jaemin replied, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I thought we could grab some ice cream before heading to the party."

As Jaemin's car rolled to a stop at a red light, Karina's mind drifted to another time, another car, and another boy. Her heart clenched at the familiar sensation of deja vu.

Flashback: A Year Ago

The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the city as Jeno pulled up to Karina's house in his black Jeep. She remembered the way his face lit up when he saw her, a smile spreading across his lips that always made her feel special.

"Ready for our adventure?" Jeno asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Always," Karina replied, hopping into the passenger seat. They drove with the windows down, the warm breeze tangling her hair. Every song on the radio became their song, every stoplight an opportunity for stolen glances and shared laughter.

Their destination was always a surprise, but it didn't matter to Karina. The journey with Jeno was the adventure. They would end up at a quaint little diner or a secluded beach, each place etched into her memory by the sweetness of their time together.

One evening, they found themselves at an old drive-in movie theater. Jeno had packed a picnic basket, and they lay on the hood of his Jeep, watching the stars emerge one by one as the movie played in the background. Karina remembered the way Jeno's hand felt intertwined with hers, his thumb gently stroking the back of her hand.

"Do you ever think about the future?" Karina asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"All the time," Jeno replied, turning to look at her. "And you're always in it."

Present Day

Jaemin's voice pulled her back to the present. "Hey, Karina, you okay?"

She blinked, shaking off the lingering nostalgia. "Yeah, sorry. Just got lost in thought for a moment."

They pulled into the parking lot of a small ice cream parlor, the same one she and Jeno had visited so many times. The bell above the door jingled as they entered, and the familiar scent of vanilla and chocolate wafted over her, wrapping her in a bittersweet embrace.

Jaemin chatted animatedly as they ordered, his enthusiasm infectious. Karina tried to focus on his words, but every detail reminded her of Jeno. The way Jaemin handed her the ice cream cone brought back a memory of Jeno doing the same, teasing her for picking the same flavor every time.

They found a spot outside to sit, and Karina watched as Jaemin licked his cone, his expression of pure enjoyment so similar to Jeno's that it hurt.

Flashback: A Rainy Day

It had been raining that day, a gentle drizzle that turned into a downpour. Jeno and Karina had sought refuge in the same ice cream parlor, their laughter echoing in the nearly empty shop. They had shared stories and dreams, Jeno's eyes always holding that special light when he looked at her.

"You're crazy, you know that?" Karina had said, laughing as Jeno suggested they dance in the rain.

"Crazy for you," Jeno had replied, pulling her into the rain despite her protests. They had danced, soaked and deliriously happy, the world fading away until it was just the two of them.

Present Day

Karina sighed, the weight of her memories pressing down on her. Jaemin was wonderful, kind, and attentive, but he wasn't Jeno. She realized that she was unfairly comparing him to someone she hadn't let go of.

"Hey, Jaemin," she began, her voice hesitant. "Can we talk?"

Jaemin looked at her, concern etched on his face. "Of course. What's on your mind?"

"It's just... being here, doing these things, it reminds me of someone I used to know. Someone who meant a lot to me."

Jaemin nodded slowly, understanding dawning in his eyes. "Jeno, right?"

Karina's eyes widened in surprise. "How did you know?"

Jaemin chuckled softly. "It's not hard to see, Karina. The way you get lost in thought, the way certain places and things make you smile wistfully. It's okay to have those memories. They're a part of who you are."

Tears welled up in Karina's eyes, and she nodded, grateful for Jaemin's understanding. "Thank you, Jaemin. For everything."

Jaemin reached out, covering her hand with his. "Anytime. Just know that I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere."

Karina smiled through her tears, feeling a glimmer of hope. Maybe, with time, she could find a place for Jaemin in her heart. But for now, she would cherish the memories of Jeno and the beautiful moments they had shared, even as she tried to move forward.

The End


Author's Note:

As you can see, this is inspired by Wendy's solo "His Car Isn't Yours."

Hope you guys enjoy reading it!

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