My Celebrity

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The dimly lit bar hummed with quiet conversations and the soft clinking of glasses. Karina sat alone in a corner booth, her fingers tracing the rim of an untouched glass of whiskey. The once bright and shining star of the K-pop world now found herself in the shadows, haunted by a scandal that had forced her to leave the spotlight.

It had been months since the news broke. False accusations, vicious rumors, and the relentless judgment of the public had taken their toll. Karina had tried to weather the storm, but in the end, she had no choice but to step away from the career she loved. Now, the vibrant colors of her life had faded into a monochrome blur, leaving her feeling more like a ghost than a person.

As she stared blankly at her drink, a familiar song played in the background. The melancholy melody tugged at her heart, reminding her of the days when she felt alive, when her music touched the hearts of millions. But those days felt like a distant memory now.

"Karina?" a voice called out, breaking her reverie.

She looked up to see Jeno standing by her table, his expression a mix of surprise and concern. Jeno, her ex-boyfriend, someone she hadn't seen in years. They had parted ways when her career took off, their paths diverging into different directions.

"Jeno," she whispered, almost in disbelief. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing," he replied, sliding into the seat across from her. "I heard about what happened. Are you okay?"

She shrugged, unable to find the words to express the turmoil inside her. "Just trying to forget."

Jeno ordered a drink and they sat in silence for a while, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. They drank together, the alcohol slowly loosening their tongues and easing the tension.

"You know," Jeno said, his voice soft and sincere, "you were always so strong. I can't believe how they treated you."

Karina laughed bitterly. "Strong? I feel anything but strong right now."

He reached across the table, taking her hand in his. "You're still the Yu Jimin I knew. The one who lit up every room she walked into. Don't let them take that away from you."

The warmth of his touch brought a glimmer of comfort, and for the first time in a long while, she felt a flicker of hope. They continued to drink, reminiscing about the past, sharing stories, and slowly rebuilding the connection they once had.

As the night wore on, they found themselves stumbling out of the bar, leaning on each other for support. They laughed at their own clumsiness, the weight of their troubles momentarily lifted by the alcohol and the familiarity of each other's presence.

Before they knew it, they were standing in front of Jeno's apartment. Without a word, they made their way inside, the unspoken understanding passing between them. They ended up in Jeno's room, the dim light casting soft shadows on their faces.

Karina looked at Jeno, her vision slightly blurred but her heart clear. "Thank you," she whispered, tears glistening in her eyes. "For being here."

Jeno cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs gently wiping away her tears. "You're not alone, Karina. You never were."

They kissed, the world outside fading into oblivion. In that moment, they found solace in each other, a refuge from the pain and the judgment. They fell asleep in each other's arms, the warmth of their bodies warding off the cold emptiness that had settled in their hearts.

The next morning, Jeno woke up first. He lay there for a moment, watching Karina as she slept peacefully beside him. Memories of their past flooded his mind: the days when they were young and in love, stealing moments together despite the odds. Their breakup wasn't born out of anger or resentment; it was a sacrifice Jeno made, believing it was best for Karina to focus on her dreams without the complications of a secret relationship.

As he gazed at her, he couldn't help but marvel at her resilience. Even in sleep, there was a quiet strength about her, a uniqueness that set her apart from everyone else. Despite everything she had been through, she was still the same vibrant, extraordinary person he had fallen in love with. The world might have tried to dim her light, but to Jeno, she was still the brightest star, a masterpiece painted with an unconventional hand.

He gently brushed a strand of hair from her face, smiling softly. When Karina began to stir and opened her eyes, Jeno whispered, "Morning, my celebrity," in a teasing way, the words carrying a promise of healing and a future they were both finally ready to face.

Karina blinked, still groggy from sleep, but a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips at his playful tone. It felt like a gentle breeze in the midst of a storm, reminding her of the warmth she had almost forgotten.

Watching her smile, Jeno felt a surge of relief and affection. Maybe, just maybe, they could navigate through this together.

And in that quiet apartment, amidst the lingering scent of whiskey and the soft morning light, Karina took her first step towards reclaiming her life, with Jeno by her side.


Author's note:

Inspired by KARINA's KRUSH advertisement video and IU's "celebrity".

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