Bandage and Bond

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The hospital was a bustle of activity, with medical students rushing about, trying to soak in as much experience as they could. Karina, a diligent and dedicated medical student, was among them, clutching her notes tightly as she followed her classmates through the sterile corridors. Today was the first day of their practical training, and she was filled with a mix of excitement and anxiety.  Karina's heart raced as she reached the ward where she was assigned. It was her first time administering an injection, and she hoped everything would go smoothly. She had spent countless hours practicing on mannequins, but now, it was the real deal. Her thoughts were interrupted by a commotion a few beds down. One of her classmates had made a small mistake, and a patient was shouting at them.

"What are you doing? That hurts!" the patient yelled, his face red with anger.

Karina watched in horror as her classmate fumbled with the equipment, clearly shaken by the outburst. The supervising doctor quickly intervened, calming the patient and guiding the student away. Karina's nerves spiked even more after witnessing the scene.

Taking a deep breath, Karina approached her patient, a young soldier who was resting on the bed with a bandaged arm. His name was Jeno, and he had been injured during a training exercise. He had a stoic expression, his eyes sharp and observant, giving off a cool and collected aura.

"Hi, I'm Karina, your medical student for today. I'll be giving you your shot," she said, trying to keep her voice steady.

Jeno nodded curtly, his face impassive. "Go ahead."

Karina carefully prepared the syringe, her hands trembling slightly. As she approached Jeno's arm, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. His olive green uniform hugged his broad shoulders and defined biceps, a testament to his military training. She glanced up at Jeno, who met her gaze with a calm, unwavering look.

With a deep breath, Karina inserted the needle into Jeno's arm. To her relief, the injection went smoothly. She felt a wave of accomplishment wash over her, and she withdrew the syringe. However, as she did, she realized the needle had detached and was left stuck in Jeno's flesh. Panic set in, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios.

"Oh no, the needle..." she whispered, her eyes wide with fear.

Without a word, Jeno swiftly reached up, pulled the needle out with a quick, practiced motion, and handed it back to Karina. She stared at him in shock, her hands shaking. In that moment, seeing his unflinching calmness and the confident way he handled the needle, Karina felt her heart skip a beat. She couldn't help but find his composed demeanor incredibly attractive. There was something undeniably sexy about his stoic, soldierly charm.

"Thank you," she managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jeno nodded once, his expression unchanged. "It's fine. Just be careful next time."

Karina quickly applied a bandage and stepped back, breathing a sigh of relief. Despite his stoic demeanor, Jeno's calmness had given her the strength she needed. As the days went by, Karina found herself visiting Jeno's ward more frequently, always under the pretense of checking his progress. She savored every brief interaction, even though their conversations were short and concise.

One day, Karina went to check on Jeno, only to find his bed empty. She asked the nurse and learned that he had been discharged earlier that morning without saying a word. A pang of disappointment hit her. She had grown accustomed to seeing him, and now he was gone.

One Week Later

The following week was a blur of stress and exhaustion for Karina. She found herself missing Jeno's presence more than she cared to admit. Her work felt more challenging, and she struggled to focus. Her thoughts often drifted to Jeno, replaying their brief interactions in her mind.

One morning, Karina was distracted as she carried a metal tray of supplies down the hall. Her mind was elsewhere, thinking about Jeno. Suddenly, her foot caught on the edge of a bed, and the tray slipped from her hands, crashing loudly to the floor. The sound echoed through the ward, waking the patients.

"Watch what you're doing!" the woman shouted angrily.

Karina's face flushed with embarrassment as she quickly knelt down, trying to gather the scattered supplies. "I'm so sorry," she murmured, her hands shaking.

Before she could pick everything up, a pair of strong hands reached down to help her. Karina looked up in surprise to see Jeno crouching beside her, his expression as unreadable as ever. Her heart skipped a beat, and she felt a rush of emotions flood through her.

Jeno picked up the supplies with a swift, efficient motion and handed them back to Karina. Then, he turned to the woman who had shouted. "I'm sorry about that," he said in a calm, authoritative voice. "My younger sister is still learning. Thank you for your understanding."

The woman's anger melted away, replaced by a look of respect and gratitude. "Oh, I see. No problem at all. Thank you for your service," she said, her tone softening.

Karina's eyes widened in shock. 

Jeno's younger sister? 

She stared at him, speechless, as he helped her to her feet and led her away from the patient.

"Jeno-shi, what are you doing here?" she finally managed to ask, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jeno looked at her, his expression softening just a fraction. "Routine check-up," he said simply.

Karina couldn't help but smile, her heart swelling with warmth. "I'm glad to see you're doing well."

Jeno nodded, a hint of a smirk on his lips. "Leave needles behind and wake patients with loud noises... you really know how to keep things interesting, don't you?"

She laughed softly, feeling a sense of relief and joy wash over her. As they stood there, exchanging a few more words, Karina realized that fate had given her a second chance. And as she looked into Jeno's calm, steady eyes, she knew that this was just the beginning of something truly special.


Author's note:

Tonight, I saw a TikTok video of someone getting a shot, but the needle got stuck in their arm. That's what inspired me to write this fiction.

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Hope you enjoy reading!

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