Chapter 1: Friends

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"Ava, Ava, Ava! Earth to Goddam Ava!" The girl called Zoey shouted perking the ears of all of those who were present in cafeteria at the time, she let out a nervous airy giggle hands clasped apologize to the students. "Fucking hell Zoey! I'm not like 30 miles away I'm right here. There's literally no need to shout." Ava stated blinking several times to get back a sense of reality having been engulfed into her thoughts a few moments prior.

"Well it's not my fault day-dreaming land whisked you away upon a white stee-" Zoey exaggerates in a dreamy voice before being cut off by the one named Ophelia.

"Girls, do you mind keeping it down?, I need to write this essay for literature and ya'll screaming is definitely not helping the thinking cells in my brain and now's not the time for writers block when it's fucking due tomorrow." She whines letting her head fall to the table in defeat.

"I'll help you finish up, Lia. I'm good at literature." The ever so sweet and helpful Rosabella chimes in. "Oh my sweet Rosa. Thank you so much what would I do without you?" Ophelia latches onto Rosabella's arm practically bawling her eyes out at the feeling of hope of her essay being finished by tonight just in time for the deadline. "No worries, Lia." Rosabella giggles at the sight of her normally calm bestfriend freaking out over something that's usually so simple for her to work..

After awhile faint giggles were heard as if they were being suppressed. "Amelia who's torturing you, what's up?" Briar questioned seemingly seriously concerned for her bestfriend. "Oh Briar, it's nothing I'm just texting Carter." Amelia giggles biting her lips at the thought of the boy who she had started dating a few weeks ago.

"Carter Nam?" Briar interrogates. "Yeahhhh.." Amelia mutters holding back chuckles being caused by the guy she's texting. "Ew, Amelia isn't he like a walking STD case?" Zoey asks looking at her bestfriend with a disgusted look of doubt.

"He said he'd change Z, just let me have this, just once. I swear you guys never like my boyfriends and never support my decisions" Amelia frowns—she had always been the type girl who let's love cloud her better judgement of boys and falls in love rather easily letting total assholes into her life just as quickly as they can make their way out. "Because you make dumb decisions, Melia. Since when did you two start dating anyways?" Briar asks intensely pondering on the fact that Amelia was seeing a total player.

"Like..four-ish ...weeks ago?, I really don't remember, it's been going so well I can't even recall how long we've been seeing eachother." Amelia explains with literal heart-eyes at the thought of the boy. "A whole goddam month, Amelia?, I thought we told eachother everything especially huge topics like this," Ava expresses her thoughts being genuinely upset that the friend group found out so late that that their dear Amelia got a new boyfriend.

"I'm sorry you guys, it's just that I know how you girls get when I have a new boyfriend, you all start getting worried about me and annoyed everytime I bring them up." Amelia stresses, lips forming into a pout.

"Heyy, sorry I'm late girly pops. Ms. Chen kept us in for a while, so what's up? What did I miss?" The jet black haired one named Melody rushes towards the table taking a seat between Ava and Ophelia.

"Oh nothing just me and Zoey bickering, Ophelia being annoying by bring up school, what else?, Oh I remember Amelia forgetting to tell us something as big as the fact that she has a fucking boyfriend and that it's Carter fucking Nam." Ava rages sipping on her lemonade to calm down.

"Amelia having a boyfriend?, Oh so nothing new but him being Carter Nam is actually crazy though." Melody laughs at the idea of Amelia's sixth fling since the start of the new school semester.

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