2. Bloody Mary

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****Rhea's POV****

I almost had a list of guys I needed to speak to and I'd not even finished my full day in here

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I almost had a list of guys I needed to speak to and I'd not even finished my full day in here. I wanted to speak to Sean and Joey again, I needed to get a clearer picture of where Ronnie was at with all of this and then there was Wil. 

Firstly though was Ronnie, he intrigued me the most about all the guys. Mainly just because his head seemed to be all over the place but so was mine right now so maybe I could at least relate to that. Obviously I'd heard things from the girls over the last few days but I wanted to hear it out of his mouth instead. 

Maybe it was fate, maybe we were all just starving but myself Joey, Ronnie and Harriett were all in the kitchen after the game had finished. 

"Tonight was just sick man." Joey said. "Like I've never played those games before."

Bullshit. "You've never played a game of dares before Joey?"

"Not really."

"That was the best game I've played." Ronnie agreed with him. 

"All because I let you kiss my neck?" I teased him. 

"Yeah." Does Ronnie realise the girl he's coupled up with is right next to us. "What can I say..."

"You're actually a prick Ronnie, you actually are." Harriett was not happy as she moved out. "Read the room, why are you like this?"

"Ronnie....." I didn't like being the killjoy but sometimes it felt like Ronnie needed that. "She was right there."

"I didn't exactly lie, it was a really good game and you were a part of that."

"Does she have a banging neck?" Joey asked him.

"Oh it's banging."

I feel like Ronnie's the kind of guy who doesn't know what he wants, he's had a bit of that and now he wants a little taste of that but we've all been through that stage. I'm just not sure if he'll ever get out of it. 

"Rhea, Rhea how are we feeling?" Wil asked slinging an arm over my shoulder, indicating towards the terrace he agreed that was a good move. I moved to sit on one of the chairs and he sat a few feet away from me. "It's been quite the day."

"It has, it feels crazy that we haven't even been here a full day yet."

"I know, I'm sorry for the game by the way. Obviously I would never want to ghost you, I just needed an excuse to get that kiss."

"Hiding behind the dare, I see you. It was a good kiss though, I really like your hands."

"These?" He smirked pulling out the hands which I've got to be honest I've not got over since the kiss and then being wrapped around me. "I guess they come in handy some times."

"I bet they do. So what are you feeling then?"

"I asked you first."

"I have no clue Wil, like honestly my head is scrambled. On first impression it was Sean and I've spoken to him a few times already, he's just not what I'm used to though."

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