5. Woo Woo

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****Rhea's POV****

I was all for seeing Joey and Grace upset at Sam leaving, what I was not here for was the almost pity party which happened afterwards

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I was all for seeing Joey and Grace upset at Sam leaving, what I was not here for was the almost pity party which happened afterwards. All the boys were comforting Joey and most of the girls went to see Grace but at the moment I'm too hurt to go and play happy families with them. 

"When you cry you're going to make me cry so stop it." I tried to comfort Nicole as we walked in the opposite direction to find an empty space. "She was so strong throughout this whole thing and we can't be undoing all that by crying now."

"I know."

"I guess we've just got to think until someone else came in for her, it would have been so hard in here."

"She couldn't watch that."

"She's left now with her held her high, she was smiling and still her sassy self."

"Do you want to go over there?" She gestured to where all the girls were sat. 

"Not really, I know I'll get over it and maybe it's not even my place to be angry but they made her final few days in here so hard. It broke my heart at points watching her and lets be honest in a day or two they'll have forgotten about it. They're probably glad they can go back to making our in the pool for hours on end."


"It's the truth."

"Hey girls!" Sean came and approached the two of us. "Do you mind if I steal Rhea?"

"No go for it, I'll see if I can find Ciaran somewhere." Sean took the spot he she left behind, not making any move to come closer. "How are you feeling?"

"Obviously I'm gutted, I just feel like everyone deserves a second chance in here and I don't think she's got that opportunity."

"No, I guess it just shows in here how you just need to take every opportunity you get and I am really glad this recoupling happened just because I feel like we can have a shot at things now."

"Yeah, if she's taught me anything it's just that I need to trust my gut and if something doesn't feel right then I need to be the one to change it. I feel like we're in a couple now so this should give us the chance to develop and see how we feel."

"Speaking honestly like I know now I want to put all my effort into you-"

"But then like I also want to be clear that we're both still open. I want to see where I'm at with Wil and if anyone new does come in then I want us both to be comfortable about what the other one can do."

"No I agree, I'm just like saying that when all you girls were stood up there tonight I did almost cheer when Wil picked Uma. You're the only one I wanted to share a bed with tonight."

"That's sweet."

"See you're even using my favourite word now."

"Favourite or most used word?"

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