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De'Lani pov

*A few hours before*

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*A few hours before*

"Ma that's way too much" I said as I sat down at the table as my grandmother tried to force me into a food coma.
"It's not even a lot shut up" my grandmother Dream put the pot back on the stove.

I was now in Germany with my grandparents after I graduated high school I moved out here with them, It was only supposed to be for the summer but I realized how much I missed them and missed living here so I stayed for 3 more years.

But today I was leaving to go back to New York and my grandmother was big on feeding before I left, I mean I wasn't complaining as much her cooking is wonderful!

You would think the older they get the more inactive they would get, lord that was a lie my grandparents don't know how to stay still. A few months ago my grand grandmother Na'Tasha Insisted that we go skydiving.

Trying to talk her out of it was like talking to a brick wall, it wasn't going to happen so we went skydiving and never a fucking again I thought I peed on myself.
Last month my grandmother Dream we all went out of the country, and swim with all the sea creatures when I say us all I do mean, me , my grandmother Dream and Na'Tasha. My grandmother Natalie wasn't going for it she's the only calm one.

The past 3 has been fun but it's now time to go back home sadly.

*A few hours later*

I stood in the airport bathroom washing my hands since I had just gotten out of the bathroom, my plane landed about 30 minutes ago and now I'm waiting on my slow as auntie to come and get me.

After I finished washing my hands I grabbed my suitcase and started walking out of the bathroom, I reached to grab my phone out of my pocket when I realized I left it in the bathroom.

When I turned around to grab it I accidentally walked into someone who was walking out of the bathroom.
"Watch where the hell you're going!" The person said before bumping my shoulder hard as hell.
"Bitch?" I said as I stood there with an irritated look on my face.

I didn't even bother I went and grabbed my phone and left out the bathroom. Soon I got a call from my Auntie Freyja.
"Bout fucking time" I said as I put my suitcase in the car
"Shut up" my auntie said while wrapping her arms around me I hugged her back.
"See I gotta missed your big headed ass" Freyja said before pushing me off of her.

Black people. Anyways we got into the car and left the airport.

"So what's been going on since I left?" I asked as I laid my head against the window
"Well Maya is pregnant again, and Iris is pissed off" Freyja said as we got onto the highway.
"You're lying?" I said with a unbelievable look on my face
"Chy I wish I was I honestly thought that Harlem and Iris was going to kill her"

Let me catch y'all up with the family members
Since we're talking about her Maya is Iris's only child, Iris is my grandparents last born and her husband name is Harlem.
Nyx is married  no kids but married to Jules now Jules have a kids three actually.
Chloe, Chris, and Christiana, 15,16,and 17 and yes I'm that ordered.

Now they all stay with their father Jules only have them 2 times out of the week and they switch during the weekends. So she barely have her kids which I guess works out for her marriage because Nyx doesn't want kids at all not saying she treats them bad when they are over but she doesn't act like a stepmom let's just say that.

Freyja my favorite auntie she's not married dating yes she's dating this guy name King they're cute I guess they have a daughter together who is now 6 years old. She's the most adorable little peanut ever.

Then you have my mother Artemis she's married to my ma Ophelia, there's me I'm the oldest 22 to be exact then there's my younger brother who is 19 who's name is Zeus, then there's Mia she's 17 and then it's Hermoni being the youngest he's 15.

Then there's my auntie Nature her and Samatha they're married and have 2 children who are Rachel who is 25, and Romeo who is 23.

And that's everyone in my family I decided to take a nap since it was going to be a minute until we get to the house.

*A few hours later*

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the car door window causing me to jump I looked around and saw that I was in the car by myself and that it was dark as hell outside.
I looked out the window and saw my brother standing there with his phone light shining at the window.

"Get out of the car bitch" Zeus said as he stood there looking like a dumbass.
I opened the door and got out
"Did she leave me in the car?" I said with a confused look on my face
"Mhm asshole i know" Zeus says before walking away.

The fuck? I grabbed my things and went into the house it was pitch black and cold in the house
"There's dinner in the fridge Ma got called in at the hospital so she had to leave, mom I actually don't know where she is umm Hermoni is at a friends house and Mia is with her boyfriend" Zeus said as he was heading up the stairs

"It's a school night da hell they doing out? And why are you letting them out?" I asked confused
"Bae are you coming back to bed?" I heard a females voice say

And there's my answer my brother just looked at me with a smirk before running up the stairs like a dumbass
"I'm so telling" I said before walking up another set of stairs that led up to my room, and Mia room.

Once I got up there I opened my room door to see that my room looks just how I left it I sat my things down and walked into the bathroom.
I turned the shower on while the water was heating up I went and started putting all my stuff up.

Once I was done I went and got into the shower and showered, when I was done I did my outside the shower routine, and then went downstairs to find someone to eat.

I didn't tell my family the real reason of why I'm back it's for multiple reasons one of them being I got casted in a movie that I auditioned for a few months ago. The other reason being I'm going to be in New York's fashion week.

Those two things no one knows about well only my grandparents know anyways I got my food and ate in the kitchen until I heard a very disturbing noise and went back up to my room.

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