Girls Day

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I woke up to the sound of loud screaming coming from downstairs, I groaned and got up I'm not use to the loud noise when you stay with old people you get use to the quiet

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I woke up to the sound of loud screaming coming from downstairs, I groaned and got up I'm not use to the loud noise when you stay with old people you get use to the quiet.

I went and washed my face and everything else then I made my way downstairs
"Don't bring that bitch back into my house Zeus!" I heard my mother voice yell
"Ma- I"
"No i don't wanna hear that shit!" I heard my mother yell I stood at the bottom of the stairs wondering if I should go back upstairs or what.

I decided to slip into the kitchen to make breakfast I settled with pancakes bacon and eggs the norm, as I was making the pancakes I heard the yelling stop and soon my brother walked into the kitchen.

I looked at him and saw her had a red hand print on his left cheek I started laughing my ass off
He just stood there mugging me
"Lani stop laughing at your brother" my ma said while walking into the kitchen

"You look like you just got ran over" I said to my ma who just looked at me with a blank expression
"When are you going back to Germany?" She asked

We both started laughing I gave her a hug before going back to making breakfast after she got her cup of coffee she went back into her office.
"Sooooo who was the girl?" I asked as I put the last pancake on a plate

"Some broad" Zeus said waving me off
"What the-" you know what i don't get paid enough for this
I continue to make breakfast soon everyone came down and ate.

After we were done eating my mom called Zeus into her room, all she's gonna do is apologize for yelling and hitting him even though Zeus was in the wrong such a soft hearted woman.

Anyways while my ma was cleaning up the kitchen I went back to my room to lay down before my head could even touch the pillow my phone started ringing.

I let out a sigh as I grabbed my phone off the charger I looked at the contact ID to see that it was Payton. Me and Payton have been friends since elementary school I answered the phone with a smile on my face

"Hey bitch" Payton said well more like screamed
"Hello Payton" I said with a small laugh
We continued to talk for a few minutes before she told me to get up, and get ready since we were going out today.

After getting off the phone with her I started getting ready starting by taking a shower. Once my shower was done I did everything else I needed to do before finding something to wear.

Once I was done getting dressed I started on doing my hair and makeup I settled with a simple high ponytail and kept my makeup natural

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Once I was done getting dressed I started on doing my hair and makeup I settled with a simple high ponytail and kept my makeup natural. I sprayed some perfume and by the time I was done Payton was here.

"You look pretty" Payton said as she stood up from the couch
"Thx love" I said before giving her a hug
"Why is she here?" I heard Zeus say as he came downstairs
"Why are you speaking when you wasn't spoken to?" Payton said before rolling her eyes

Zeus shook his head before walking into the kitchen
"Come on" I said as I grabbed my things.

*Later on that day*

"I swear this bitch is always late" Payton said as sipped some of her lemonade that has been sitting for a few minutes
We were now waiting Katlyn to get here but knowing her she's always late, a few minutes later I saw her walking into the restaurant

"Hey hoez" Katlyn said as her accent fell through very heavy
"Bout fucking time" Payton said as she scooted over so that Kat could sit down
"I'm sorry, im sorry i wasn't keeping up with the time, but I'm here now so that's all that matters" Kay said

Soon the waiter came over and took our order and left
We talked as we waited and continued to talk.
"So there's this club that opens night we should go" Payton said
"Mmm yea I've been hearing about it everywhere we should go" Kaylyn said I just nodded my head since I had idea what club they were talking about.

"But anyways how was Germany?"Payton asked
"Germany was fine as all way almost lost of life in a span of 3 years but it was fun" I said before laughing the girls laughed as well they know how wild my grandparents are.

Soon the food came out and we ate ff after we got done eating we decided to go to the mall just to pass some time.

Some background on me and my friends just because.
Payton she's a personal assistant for a lawyer who I believe she's fucking, Payton family comes from a generation of wealth which is way a lot of her family members including her parents were livid that she's choose to do something so basic.

But Payton explained to them that this was something that she wanted to do, not like that made it any better but they understood.

Katlyn is a model she's damn near the face of anything you see, Katlyn life story is an interesting one Katlyn doesn't come from a wealthy family. Katlyn is originally from Korea where she lived with her mother, and father. They were good off but not rich by a long shot.

Katlyn father died of cancer when she was about 5 her father left them with money, but it only lasted for a while her mother had to get many jobs just to pay for rent so they had to live their home and move in with her mother's mom.

Ms.Kim took them in with open arms I mean they were her kid and grandchild of course she would. Ms.Kim took care of Katlyn while her mother worked sadly at the age of 7 Katlyn mother passed she had a heart attack at work.

That left Katlyn with her grandmother after some years Katlyn voiced to her grandmother that she wanted to be a model so her grandmother helped her the best she could. Katlyn did many things that made her popularly in Korea sky rock, at the age of 18 she signed with a company in Korea so she was a very known model in Korea.

Katlyn got the opportunity to work in New York's fashion week, so while she was in the states she realized that she loved how the modeling industry worked her so she wanted to stay.

And during this time the Modeling Industry wasn't as diverse and open to many people so that was also something she wanted to change.

When Katlyn contracted expired with her company back in Korea, she moved her and her grandmother to the states and she basically somewhat had to rebuild her popularity back up but that took her no time.

But now she's very known world wide and successful. Now on to me as you know I come from a family of generations wealth over all my mother is an author and very successful one at that while my ma is a surgeon.

Me on the other followed behind my grandmother with acting when I was younger I knew I wanted to do something within the entertainment industry I just didn't know what.

I tried a little bit of everything but acting mostly stuck with me at the age of 6 I got casted for a role in a movie that was my first ever "serious" roles I've had. When I was 10 I casted for a role in a tv series that lasted for 4 years since it was a very long series I started at 10 by the end of the series I was 14.

I did smaller things from the age of 14 to 16 before I did my final movie here in New York before I left which was at the age of 17.

After that I graduated and moved to Germany with my grandparents I did many things I was in a music video for a singer I also was on a tv show it was a survival show hint at why I was always doing some crazy shit in Germany.

Soon after that I tapped into my dance era and danced at many very known dance studios with very known dancers and yea now I'm back here in New York for another movie very excited.

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