• Chapter 1 •

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"Final call for flight 182 to Sydney" the loud speaker announces. I sigh and lift the heavy bags at either side of me.

"Aw baby I'm gonna miss you" my mum says into my ear as we hug. It's kind of awkward hugging her. She has only been around for a short time, and it's been hard getting used to.

"I'll be back in 6 months mum it's alright" I say back. She hugs me tighter, slightly restricting my breathing.

"Mum I can't breath" I wheeze.

"Right sorry love" she says back, too quickly. I know she is trying to make me happy.

I turn to my dad next. He has tears in his eyes. I walk over to him and hug him tightly.

"I'm gonna miss you dad" I say through tears. I actually will miss my dad, my mum not so much...

"I will miss you to sweetheart. But remember, we have been talking about this for years. Do you recall that time when you were six, and we were on the hammock swinging, and talking about how exciting it would be to actually be able to attend this university. And now look at you. You got a 6 month scholarship. Which might I add can be extended if you work extra hard" he adds with a wink.

"I know dad. I will work hard. And with no distractions too"

"Flight 182 from Melbourne to Sydney will be departing in 5 minutes. This is a final call for the last few people to board"

I say my final goodbyes to my parents and turn to face the doors to the plane, that will lead to my future.

The plane is pretty small, and holds only about 40-50 people. I guess not many people want to go to Sydney? I forget about that and pull my ticket from my back pocket to see what seat I'm on. I really should have done this before I boarded.

Suddenly I hear gasps from all over the plane and a few girls yelling and pointing to the door of the plane. I look around to see a man with jet black hair, a leather jacket, skinny jeans and a phone to his ear. He seems young. Maybe 18-20. He looks startled by all the people watching him but he seems to try blowing it off.

I try take no notice of him and take my seat in row G which is towards the middle of the plane. I notice the man now walking towards me. More and more people are staring at him and I can't help it myself. I don't know why I'm staring at him, I guess it's because everyone else is. When he is 2-3 rows away from me, I notice his appearance more clearly. He has an eyebrow piercing and piercings in his ear too. His eyes are a greenish colour and he has a pair of sunglasses hanging from his shirt. He is still on the phone and when he gets closer I start to hear some of what he says.

"I still don't understand why you guys couldn't come with me". He must be talking to some of his friends or family. "It would have made this trip a lot easier seeing you all know I hate flying. And besides everyone knows me and have being alone"

Before I get time to wonder to myself how he is known by everyone in the plane except me the empty seat next to me becomes occupied by the man I have been watching for the past minute or so.

Before I have time to react he talks.

"Hi. I'm Michael Clifford. Who are you?"

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