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1+ 82-2**-**** : Hey! It's Wooyoung

1+ 82-5**-****: And Yeosang from the restaurant!

1+ 82-2**-****: Thanks for giving me ur number on that napkin.

1+ 82-5**-****: We thought it was cute!

1+ 82-2**-****: Anyways, text us back soon, handsome single guy!

1+ 82-5**-****: we will be waiting!

1+ 82-2**-**** : boo 💀



1+ 82-5**-****: so, u gon ever text us back?



San shot up, looking at his phone and the people he forgot to text for two days. He promised himself and set alarms to remind himself that he would reply to the beautiful strangers. Yet, Luna needed a bath. Marisol became hungry, Luna was bored, and then Hongjoong called. Then, the dishwasher needed to be cleared, and the laundry had to be done. Marisol spilled his coffee, and then life happened.

He quickly sat up, earning complaints about blocking the TV from the twins.

"Girls, Dad's gonna go pee, okay?" San kissed the top of their heads. "Scream if you need help."

"Okay," Marisol chuckled as Luna nodded her response.

With that, San rushed to the hallway, pressing his back against it, then slid down with the phone desperately clutched in his hand. He stared at the message before him and scanned his brain for any excuse he could use to explain why he forgot, but they all seemed pitiful and fake.

Sighing, he just decided to go with the truth.


Hello! This is San Choi. I would like to apologize for my untimely response. My daughters decided it would be the best time to become hurricanes and take up my time. Thank you for giving me a chance to talk to you.


San quickly pressed the send button and tossed the phone to the side. He ran his hand through his hair and laughed at himself in disgust.

Here he was with two kids, yet he was nervous about a text as if in high school. What made it even more comedic was that it wasn't just toward one person but two.

"What are you doing, San?" He asked himself, softly banging the back of his head on the wall. "You can't do this right now."



Ping. Ping. Ping.

Tiredly, he turned his head toward the phone at his side, watching the light from his screen brighten up the hallway.


1+ 82-2**-**** : Holy shit! Your alive!

1+ 82-5**-****: its 'You're'

1+ 82-2**-**** : stfu

1+ 82-5**-****: Why are you typing like ur sending an email to ur boss?

1+ 82-2**-**** : Maybe we are his bosses? Like a kink

1+ 82-5**-****: thats not a good thing to say. dont say that again

A S3COND TRI - WooSanSangWhere stories live. Discover now