9. I'm His Star

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Damn it!

I nearly spill the coffee I've just been ordered to give to my new boss. My first day as an assistant, and I'm already messing it up.

I hurry to the office, getting inside quickly with the steaming coffee in my hand.

I sure hope the barista put in four sugar cubes, as I asked. Once I'm in the elevator, I stare at myself. Ugh, I look so sloppy. I can't afford a nice suit yet, so I'm stuck with this button-up and black pants.

I look like a waiter, which is just not the impression I want to give off. I brush my hair away, now annoyed by the length. I didn't think to pull it back, but I now realize how unprofessional it looks.

I take a deep breath as the elevator dings. I walk out, carrying the coffee as I approach the desk.

Fred: "Hello. Uh, I'm the new assistant."

A green-haired boy looks up from the computer and smiles at me.

Desk Boy: "Hello, nice to meet you! Rollie is just in a meeting right now, so he should be out in exactly..."

He checks his watch, snapping as a door opens. Voices and laughter filter out as a meeting ends. The desk boy stands straight and smiles as the men leave the conference room. I stand straight, feeling like I look like a real dope just being here. I watch a man with dyed hair walk by with a shorter, auburn, brown-haired man.

They enter an office, closing the door quickly.

Ven: "That was Rollie. I'm Veneer, by the way."

I shake his hand with my free one.

Ven: "I see you have his coffee, so I will phone you in."

Fred: "Thank you."

I feel nervous as Ven phones in.

Ven: "Sir. Your new assistant is here with your coffee."

Rollie: "Send him in."

Ven gives me a thumbs-up as I approach the door. I knock before letting myself in. The man with dyed hair eyes me as he sips what looks like brandy? It's 10 in the morning.

Rollie: "You are my new assistant?"

I look at Rollie, my breath getting caught by his soft voice.

Fred: "Yes, sir."

I hand him his coffee, yet he doesn't drink it.

Rollie: "Are there four sugars?"

Fred: "Yes, sir."

Rollie looks up into my eyes like he's studying me.

Rollie: "Where did you go to college?"

Fred: "Brixton."

Dyed Hair Man: "That's an elite school. What are you doing here? As an assistant?"

Fred: "I need to pay off my loans. Plus... I'm not sure what I want for myself career-wise."

The two men inspect me, making me incredibly nervous.

Rollie: "Hmm... you're tall. Kid Ritz, what do you think?"

Kid Ritz stands and looks me over up close. He's shorter than me, making me, once again, feel like a freak for towering over everyone.

Kid Ritz: "He's got good facial features, strong jaw, freckles. I think he could work."

I'm confused as he turns me around.

Fred: "Sir?"

Rollie: "You know what this job is? We're the heads of the leading top modeling company, Starstruck, and only rivaled by one other: Vying Velvet. We've been looking for a model to give us an edge, something... more, and I think you're our model."

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