Take Five (angst hehe >:))

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<I had this idea kinda explained in the first paragraph and I don't think I did it right also I'm really nervous about posting it because I think it's cringe and also bad and I didn't do research that I normally do>
<attempt at angst so there's swearing, blood, and thoughts of suicide>
<nischa status: crush>

-No one pov-
After the accident and everyone coming back, they were famous. After a couple interviews, they were approached by a musical theater company, who were interested in their story, and wanted to turn it into a live musical. All the choir agreed. They are a month into the production of the musical "Ride the cyclone". Today is the day where they practice "Noel's Lament". They spent the morning practicing the vocals, and now it's time for the choreography.

-noels pov-
I told the directors I know all my choreography, and they believe me. They gave me the stage and let me teach everyone, and so I did. Now, we're doing the first full runthrough. I do my dancing, my vocals, everything, but my mind keeps drifting to the dance. The dance with mischa.

The dance that leads to the kiss.

Our kiss.

I will admit, I do have feelings for him, and I did ask him before if the kiss was okay to do on stage, and he said yes, but as the moment approaches, I get more and more anxious. In no time at all, I hear the music and take my cue. Mischa walks out, that stupid hat on his head and the rose behind his back. I let out a small, breathy, laugh, and we start the dance.

I'm surprised at how much he remembers. We do the dance perfectly, until the kiss. I slap mischa very lightly, and we actually kiss. My brain just stops. I'm late on my que, blushing under my makeup, my voice slightly dead but coming back to life. After a minute of being in mischas arms, i've completely shut down. The director just says, "Alright everyone. 10 minutes. Take a break."

My brain finally starts working again, and I calmly walk offstage, out the door, and outside. After a second, I grab the nearest object, a flowerpot, and throw it against the floor. I hear it shatter and I sit down in despair. I fucked it all up, and here too. I curl into myself and sit.

-ocean pov-

Noel doesn't walk out of rooms like that. I know him like I would know a brother. I know what's wrong, and I stalk down the stage, yanking Mischa along with me. I walk out the door to hear a shattering of glass. That's him. I continue to drag mischa to a door, and tell him "Stay here, please." I say. I walk outside and sit next to Noel, taking in the scene of Noel around a shattered pot. He must have shattered it in a temper.

"Noel?" I inquire, sitting down next to him. "You... okay?"

He looks up at me. "No." He admits. I give him a side eye as he vents. "I fucked all of it up. The performance, the song, mischa..." He chokes out.

"Now, stupid question. Do you like him?" I ask.


"I could tell." I mutter under my breath, but Noel is still following his own train of thought.

"And I fucked it ALL UP!" He shrieks, lashing out at a larger piece of glass on the floor, getting a large cut on his hand. "OW! Fuck!" he goes, his head falling back into his knees as the blood runs down his palm.

-noel pov-

I'm sitting here and crying. I messed up my number, the one that is my perfect life. I fucked up my kiss with mischa, the man im closest with and have feelings for. I let my emotions and my brain take over, and i fucked that up, i just stopped thinking. Also, not only do I have to relive my absolute worst night, and although it can be fun, it just hangs over the fact that I should be dead.

I want to be....

Oceans trying to talk to me, but like a dumbass, I snap at her to leave. She does, and now I feel more like shit. My hand hurts like hell, but I let it bleed.

"I deserve this pain." I mumble.

"No." says a thick accent next to me. I look up and see mischa and look away, slightly blushing.

-Mischa pov-

After ocean told me to go help Noel, I went outside and sat down next to him. He looks up at me after my words, and looks away. I grab Noel's bleeding hand and look around.

"Noel. Why did you do this?" I say, holding up the bloody hand. He looks away. Okay, not talking yet. I think. "Tell me when you-"

"I fucked everything up."


"I fucked it all up." Noel says, and just keeps talking. "I messed up the show, I messed up the number, I probably lost all credibility in the directors eyes, I lost my senses because of a kiss! And I probably fucked everything up with you too."

I'm confused at this line. "Explain."

He's hesitant to.

-Noel pov-
"Explain." I hesitate. Do I tell him? I mean, ocean did say it was obvious, I'd be surprised if he doesn't know. And what do I have to lose? All it would make me feel is like more shit, so I may as well say it.

"I fu- messed up any chance I had with you." I say, slightly blushing, looking at the blood flowing down my hand, trying to distract myself. I suck air through my teeth, the cut really hurts. I finally look up at Mischa to see him blushing. I just stare at him as he stares at me. I can't work out his feelings. I look at him curiously and start to turn back to my hand, when I feel Mischa lean over and kiss me on my lips. My brain stops. I just let him do it, and melt into him. We separate.

"Mischa? Why did..." my voice drifts off.

"I love you."

"But what about..."

"I'll figure out."

We sit in silence. "Do you really love me?" I ask stupidly. I wanna make sure, I don't know how he could love me, especially in the state I'm in right now.

"I do, Gruber." He grabs my not bloody hand. We sit for a minute. I inhale.

"Well, we should probably go back inside." I try to stand up, but almost scream after putting too much pressure on my hand. Mischa stands up, grabs me, and picks me up, carrying me through the door bridal style. I turn red, and after we walk through the door, he sets me down, grabs my hand, and walks me backstage. He sits me down and grabs a first aid kit. He wipes the blood off my hands (I have to bite down on my shirt to stop me from screaming), takes the glass out, and grabs some bandages, wrapping them around my hand. I look up at him in awe. He shrugs down at me

"Taught myself first aid. Can't pay for doctor." I look back up at him and say "thanks, misch."

"No worries, poet. Now," he holds out his hand, and I take it. "Let's try that dance again."

<1179 words>

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