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First, I would love to apologize for taking so long to reach out to you all. I genuinely appreciate you all, especially those who reached out to me and tried to check up on you. Thank you all so so much, it means a whole lot to me. And yes, I still am alive, just been out of it. I apologize to those I couldn't respond to in my dms before the feature was removed. At the end of this message, I will provide another way I can be reached, or communicated to.

Secondly, I honestly was beginning to consider abandoning not only this story, but my account as a whole. It's been not only busy for me, but tough for me also. Mentally tasking and draining, and it felt so difficult to even complete a sentence without breaking down. Writing went from being something I love, to feeling like a chore. So, I had to simply let it be. But I've been working on myself, as writing was once a therapeutic thing I did to get myself together. In other words, I will begin writing again and the updates will start rolling in. I also can't promise a consist order in which they will be rolling in, but I should have a chapter up by tomorrow. I really hope you come to the understanding of why I haven't updated and only reaching out now. I had to choose my mental health, and I hope I keep healing. Thank you for sticking this long with me.

Finally, you can reach me on my e-mail: / I can also be reached on my Instagram: ruthieebuntheauthor. You can always reach out to me concerning a lot of things, I will always try to be there.

With Love,

Author EBUN.

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