Chapter 47. The test begins.

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Stood in the stadium, with Mina, you saw Shindo across the room when you'd came in, he waved and blew a kiss. Making Sero take the other side of you to try and scare shindo away with his dirty looks. Honestly, you found it funny.

"Okay then. Ugh. Let's do this exam thing. I'm from. Uh. The heroes public safety commission. Names Mera" he then began to sleepily ramble, most of which you didn't fully understand as he was practically falling asleep.

"So about the content of this license thing, basically 1540 examinees compete in a free-for-all exercise or whatever we're callin it this year. See, we've got a lot of pros around, and since stain was arrested, many people has expressed doubts about the status of heroes in society. " he said in between yawns

He explained that in the first part of the exam only 100 people out of the 1500+ could pass. And this shocked a lot of people, except you weren't scared, you knew you were gonna pass, you were pretty confident about you, and your class too.

Once everybody changed into their hero suits they were given three targets, you had one on your shoulder, one on your stomach and one on your thigh.

And when it actually began 1A ran together as a group while every other class attacked you,

"Hey princess! So nice to see you again, sorry it had to go down like this!" Shindo smirked at you. Catching your attention while everyone was fighting others and getting people out.

It was easy for you all to handle the balls flying at you in your own ways.

"Oh how charming." You sarcastically said back as you continued to dodge the little orange circles flying at you, feeling your spidey senses going crazy, so there was no way you were going to get hit when you knew every angle they were coming from. 

"Anything for you princess. I've seen you all over the media growing up due to your parents, and well I just had to watch you at the sports festival, you fascinate me." His grin grew wider as he said closer to you, he wrapped his arm around your waist to try and hit the target on your stomach, but you gripped onto the arm he had wrapped around you and forcefully pulled him over your shoulder making him collide on the ground with a giant thud.

Now that he was on the ground you had the perfect opportunity to get him out, bringing him down meant that you were safely on top of him, which.. may have looked weird to others. But who cares.

You grinned down at him beneath you as you hit the target on his chest, and before you could  hit the ones on his legs you felt something wrap around your waist, tape? Oh. Tape.

"Y/N! WHAT THE." Sero yelled as he pulled you over careful to not get you hit through the warfare currently going on in the arena. "YOU KNOW THIS GUY FOR LESS THAN 10 MINUTES AND HE ALREADY HAS YOU-"

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