Chapter 1: Dream (part 4)

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 —Razar, do you really not remember me?.— The girl asks, holding my cheeks in her hands.

—I've been trying since you asked me, but I can't.— I reply.

—Could you have mistaken him for someone else?.— IA asks.

—Ha, I could never, there is no one like him..— She replies.

—Can you at least trust me, Razar?.— The girl asks.

Judy looks at me, as if waiting for my answer more than she is.

—We won't be safe here, we must go.— The girl says, she looks very calm but worried.

—It's fine, I understand.— I reply, I know this isn't the best place to talk.

—Razar, are you sure?.— IA asks.

—Besides, it's hard to believe all this is because of you.— She adds.

—A small slip, and everything could go to hell, do you know the terror of losing everything in a second?.— The girl replies to IA, without taking her eyes off mine.

—Does that mean you can't tell us anything?.— IA asks.

The girl used a metaphor, but IA understood it quickly.

—That's right, I wish I could, but you must understand.— The girl replies, removing her hands from my cheeks.

The girl suddenly hugs me, and breathes in as if she wants to get my essence... IA stares at her without saying anything...

—....Can... we at least know your name?..— IA asks.

—Sure.— The girl smiles showing her braces, turning her gaze to IA, and closing her eyes.

—My name is..—


14 hours earlier, California, United States. Hat Creek Observatory;

—Pizza, does that sound good?.— Asks my partner.

—Eehh?, do you think it's appropriate?, besides, as if you ever listen to what I say, aren't we supposed to eat something healthy?.— I reply, sitting at my monitoring station, almost falling off my chair with how reclined I am.

—Pizza then.— He replies.

—As I said, you never listen.—

—And how do you manage to get a delivery all the way up here?, aren't we in the middle of nowhere?.— I ask while he picks up the phone on the wall.

—Oh, I know a friend of a friend who owes me a favor... but keep it on the down-low.— He answers..

—Would you risk your job for a pizza?.— I ask.

—Yeah...I mean, he knows his script, if he gets caught he just has to say "I got lost on the way.", he's a professional delivery guy.— He responds, dialing the number..

—Hahah, whatever you say... I'll step outside for a moment to detach myself from the crime.— I say, getting up from my chair.

—Don't forget to erase the tap....your station..— He says with surprise when we hear a detection alarm.

—It's an alert!..— I look at my monitor examining the data.

—This frequency... the computer has already checked them!, call control quickly!.— I exclaim.

40 minutes later, United States Department of Defense Headquarters, The Pentagon;

"It's here... she's finally returned." I think to myself before entering the conference room.

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