DB Chapter 4 - Lucifer and Satan

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In the darkness of her unconscious mind, Misaki felt like she was floating weightless in a pitch black void. Slowly, her vision began to clear and she found herself standing in a beautiful verdant oasis. It was twilight, bathing her surroundings in an almost ethereal light and the first stars were shining in the sky that was awash with red, orange and purple hues which was stunning to behold. Misaki was very confused, wondering how she got there and what this place was.

The last memories she had was when the Sakamaki brothers had kidnapped her from Ryoutei Academy, yet here she was in a strange place. All around her were lush plants and dense trees with fruit hanging from the branches and ready to pick from bushes. The scent of exotic flowers filled her nose, and the air was somehow thicker to breathe in, more oxygen dense which made her feel giddy. The sound of animals could be heard all around her, the soft trill of insects, small mammals scurrying and birds calling into the night. Misaki had no idea where she was, but it was a glorious sight to see so much flourishing nature.

It was then she heard a pipe or flute playing far away, the lilting music called to her and beckoning her to follow. Slowly, Misaki walked towards the music that seemed to be coming from deep within the forest. There was something familiar about the music that she couldn't place, but she could recall the warm feeling it evoked in her heart.

Coming to a clearing beneath a great apple tree bearing green apples that looked juicy and inviting, she stopped in her tracks seeing sat high up in the tree the most beautiful man she had ever laid eyes on playing a flute with his eyes closed. The male had long tumbling wavy white blonde hair that came almost to the floor, wearing nothing on his top, exposing his firm toned pale skin that glowed somehow. On his lower half he wore white swaths of material that flowed to his feet.

Misaki couldn't help feel like the haunting music he played was almost melancholy or mournful, making her heart ache for him. It was then, he opened his eyes to reveal golden hues that locked on to Misaki, causing her heart to race as their gaze connected. The male stopped playing and stood up on the branch saying nothing as he stared down at her, unfurling white angel wings that rippled as they stretched out wide, before he jumped from the tree, gently floating to the ground with ease. Misaki was stunned to see a mythical humanoid before her eyes, shaking her head in disbelief, as she looked at the feathers on his back with awe, hardly able to accept that an angelic being was stood before her.

Suddenly, the male rushed towards her and took her in his arms like a lover reunited, his warm firm body pressed against her and his strong arms wrapping around her body. Misaki stiffened, unable to comprehend what was happening, as the strange angelic male held her tightly, allowing her to smell his scent that seemed so familiar to her.

"You came to me!" he whispered in her ear with relief, pulling away to cup her face in his soft warm hands, searching her wide eyes, "I hoped you would hear my music but didn't dare to think you would come. It's forbidden for us to meet like this." he said with a sad forlorn expression, "I can't stand that he will have you and will bear his children. I have never felt this way before, this hatred when I see -him-, knowing he will touch you!", he looked away gritting his teeth, the possessiveness obvious.

Misaki stared at him, not wanting to interrupt, trying to follow what he was trying to convey to her, even though she didn't know who the angel was talking about.

The angel looked directly at Misaki, making her stomach fall with the look of despair he had,

"It's not fair though! The Gods are cruel for making angels love them completely and serve them for eternity. They create your kind, knowing that part of their Godly soul is within you. They know we will automatically love you because you have the soul of the Gods. It's is so callous to make us love what we cannot have and must watch in perpetual torment" he groaned.

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