DB Chapter 10 - Ayato Sakamaki

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Slowly, Misaki fluttered open her eyes and found herself in a darkened room with only the light from the moon filtering to the window. A wave of confusion washed over her, momentarily not recognising her surroundings as her mind tried to catch up with her waking body. Did she dream of Luc Tsukinami or was her heart aching for him, wishing her was here to help her?

Staring up at the ceiling, her memories came back in a flash of recognition of what occurred before passing out. Recalling with full clarity what happened with Reiji Sakamaki, each moment hit her like a punch to her gut. Being questioned, drugged and experimented on, the black IV bag and finally, bitten by Reiji. It was then she realised that the bonds at her wrists and ankles were unfastened when she reached up touch the bite area.w

Glancing around for signs of Reiji in panic, she noted she was alone. It was strange that Reiji had just left her in his study and laboratory , even releasing her from the cuffs. It dawned on her that he had expected her to be knocked out all night and had confidently unbound her, knowing she wasn't going anywhere soon. Perhaps he may return at any moment to continue his experimentation on her body.

Hot shame overwhelmed her remembering how wanton and aroused she had become with the black IV forced into her system . The way he had stimulated against her will, or at least she told herself it was against her will , since admitting that she had desperately wanted his touch was too hard to admit. Trying to remember what the properties of the black liquid, she knew it had a healing effect and sped up her blood production.

Though such matters was trivial because she needed to find a way out of the house before Reiji returned. Immediately, Misaki swung her legs off the high table and carefully climbed down, a little unsteady on her feet at first but her had wasn't thumping like last time.

Going to the window, she could see her own reflection in the glass, her pale features and the faint puncture holes of Reiji's bite mark on her neck evident. However, when she checked all the other places each brother had bitten her, the marks had nearly disappeared along with the aching pain, showing just how good the black IV concoction was on her healing.

It was then she noticed on a trolley a number of insidiously sharp scalpels that Reiji obviously used for his sick experiments. Even though the letter opener had been a mistake, at least with this kind of weapon, she had a better chance of defending herself. Quickly, she grabbed one, readying herself for a fight.

Facing to the office door, she cringed with trepidation knowing that Laito had said he would be waiting for her outside. What choice did she really have but to see if he was still there like a spider ready to catch her again. She couldn't control her rapidly beating heart knowing she had to keep moving to find a way out. Cautiously she gripped the door handle and paused trying to calm her nerves. Quietly opening it , she peered through the crack and held her breath.

To her surprise, Laito was not outside Reiji's laboratory. Not letting her guard down yet or relaxing, she knew he could appear out of nowhere. Already she had witnessed the vampires ability to somehow move quickly, faster than her human eye could perceive and turn up as though teleported. It made her wonder what other abilities these vampires possessed, making her shudder at the thought.

Nervously, Misaki stepped out of Reiji's room, trying not to make any noise to alert the inhabitants of the household. Looking down both hallways, she padded down the corridor searching for a way out. Telling herself there had to be some door to the outside rather than these seemingly never ending labyrinth of corridors.

Coming to a turn in the corridor, she heard footsteps and panicked, darting behind a tall plant and flattened herself against the door in the dark shadow. Though she knew her chances of evading a vampire was slim, she still held her breath. Rather than a Sakamaki brother, the two female maids name Acui and Yami silently walked briskly past carrying silver domed covered trays of food. The delicious smell wafted as they walked away, making her mouth water. Though she wondered why vampires were being served food when they drank blood.

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