Chapter 4

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Hoseok felt like he was walking around for hours. Every time he found a door, it would be locked or too jammed to open. He couldn't find a single piece of light either. It was just him, his thoughts, and the darkness surrounding him. The brunette wasn't going to lie to himself, he felt weak. Not in the sense of how he felt so vulnerable being alone. Weak as if his body was going to shut down at any given minute. Weak like he didn't have enough strength to continue moving. Yet, he still walked down every hallway he found, just hoping to find something.

Minutes began to feel like hours. Hours started to feel like days. It hasn't actually been days, though it felt very much like it because Hoseok has made no progress. For sure he would have passed out or something if it's really been days since he's woken up in this strange place. The brunette wasn't surprised anymore when every hallway he took led to more locked or jammed doors. He took notice of how painful it was starting to get to just move his right arm, especially the inside of his elbow as if he had an IV in his arm. Every few minutes he would also take in deep breaths because it almost felt like it was hard to breathe even with all the room he had to do so along with the killer headache.

What happened to me?

It wasn't that Hoseok was scared of being alone, he just didn't know if he was the only one here or if any of the others were dragged into this unknown mess as well. He was about ready to give up and collapse to the floor when he came across another door. Expecting it to be locked or jammed, he turned the knob and tried opening the door but it did open. The brunette raises a brow in a mixture of surprise and suspicion. He pushed the door open with a loud creak, stepping into a room filled with old desks and chairs along with scattered and torn papers everywhere.

The writing on the papers were all too worn out to read to begin with, so even if Hoseok's interest peaked with them, he wouldn't get anything. The said boy slowly walked around the room, looking for any drawers in the desks. When he did come across a drawer, he opened it and was even more surprised to find two keys sitting inside of it. Without hesitance, he snatched both of them and shoved them into his pocket.

Maybe they'll open some other doors?

Hoseok began to take a step back so she could turn and leave, but instead he backed into one of the chairs. The loud bang it made from falling resulted in the male to scream, quickly moving to the door and making an attempt to leave only to see a figure standing there with a sudden beam of light to which he then began to scream again.
"Wh- What?!" His eyes adjusted to the bright light, looking up and eyes widening "Namjoon?"
"and me." He watched as Taehyung's head poked out from behind his boyfriend.
"H- How'd you-"
"It's a long story, we found each other by chance I guess." Namjoon then hugged Hoseok tightly, the other gladly returning it. "This place is just filled with doors, most of them we found are jammed but we found one locked door with weird carvings in it." Namjoon said, letting go of Hoseok.
"We haven't found anyone else either." Taehyung added,
"Same here, it's so dead here. I also found these just now." Hoseok pulled out the two keys he found, the other brunette and ravenette shining their flashlights on his hands to see them. One key was red, and the other was a dull green.
"Since we both found locked doors, me and Namjoon can take one and you take the other so we could find anything faster that way?" Taehyung suggested,
"I'm fine with that." Namjoon replies before looking at his boyfriend. Now it was just up to Hoseok.

"I'll take the red one." Hoseok took the red key into his other hand and dropped the green one into his boyfriend's. "Be careful, okay?"
"You too, here." Namjoon hands his flashlight to him, "Since Taehyung has one, he'll just have to be my light." The brunette nodded, then the three separated from there. Hoseok backtracked through the hallways, surprised he could remember his path. He questioned heavily on how they found him. Did they just happen to be close enough to hear him scream to come running to the room? But, then he didn't recall hearing any footsteps either, but strange things do happen when you're scared. Rechecking all the doors, he managed to go back to the locked door he had mentioned to Namjoon. The only locked door that actually had a keyhole. The male slipped the key in, surprised even more to hear a click when he turned it and the door opened. Stepping inside, he noticed the room was filled with many books, almost like a library. The boy noticed the small, square table by one of the many shelves, walking over. There was nothing there, but a small piece of paper that he picked up to look at it.

He opened his eyes, his eyesight was blurry as he slowly looked around. When he came to full consciousness, he looked down. He was laying on a bed, an IV in his arm and a bunch of beeping machines. The poor boy doesn't remember ever being brought here, he couldn't remember what happened that would have caused him to end up here. So he panicked. He was ripping the IV out and taking all of the devices that were stuck to his body from his arms to his neck and face off of him in a fit of fear and panic and he wasted no time in getting up out of the bed. He ran to the door, opening it and running out. The corridors of the building were plain and empty, it almost seemed like he was the only living thing there.
"Hey!" He jumped, looking behind his shoulder, then continuing to run away even faster, his feet making soft plit-plats on the tile floor for not wearing any form of socks or shoes. He quickly turned a corner, thinking he was safe for a moment when he looked behind his shoulder again only to run into another person. It was the same person that was just calling out to her.
"No! Stop!" He tried getting away but they had a firm hold on him, he turned away to try and run further but that only resulted in the person pulling him close and trapping him in their arms as he struggled against their hold. He felt one of their arms leave his body, but he still somehow struggled against their one single arm that had their hold on him, and quickly enough, he felt a cold prick to the neck. As he slowly lost consciousness, his body fell limp into the unknown person, who picked him up bridal style to carry him back to his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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