Chapter 2

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Yoongi slowly opened his eyes and immediately sat up from his position on the floor, looking around frantically as he breathed heavily. His rapid breathing slowed just the slightest bit when he could confirm he wasn't in any danger at the moment. The ravenette slowly stood up to his feet, taking note of the small, dimly lit room he seemed to have woken in.

Why the hell am I here?

The male noticed a slight glimpse of the little bit of moonlight through the wooden walls and made his way towards it, seeing the night sky with slightly rustling trees from the wind through the cracks. Yoongi looked at the wood, but the gaps were too small to attempt pulling the planks down to leave. He turned away, following the gaze of the moonlight to a doorknob, walking towards it and grabbing it. He turned it, opening the door and stepping out. His brown eyes widened, all the door led him out to was a long hallway with no other doors on either side of the walls. Yoongi sighs, having no other choice but to either stay in the room or leave it and see where it takes him. He began considering staying, he has no idea where he is and he doesn't know what's out there. But, he wanted to know. To know where he is, what is going on, and help to remember where he was and what he was doing before he woke up here. Trying to convince himself that he's probably just dreaming, Yoongi stepped out and headed through the dark hallway.

With no sense of time at all, Yoongi had no idea how long he was walking for. He honestly was starting to believe he was walking down an endless hallway, that was until he suddenly (and finally) came to a stop. The ravenette looked to either side of him, each having a hallway that led to somewhere in the building (if that's what this place even is). He was about to take another step but, he stopped.

I have no idea what I'm doing.

Which wasn't wrong, he really didn't have any sort of idea of what he was currently doing. But, it wasn't like he had much of any other choice, he could just go back and sit and remain in the room he woke up in or continue to walk further from it down either of the hallways. He sighs, turning his head towards the dark hallway to the left, moving his feet down the eerie hallway.

Yoongi felt the walls for anything in the dark that could help him until his hand finally landed on something metal. The male attempted to turn the knob but, it didn't budge, so he put his ear up to the door in hopes that he could hear anything on the other side. Just when he thought there wasn't anything, he then could hear faint...crying? He couldn't make out the noise but, the most he could think of was crying. It almost sounded familiar, maybe a bit too familiar. Yoongi was about to pull away from the door before it hit him, his eyes looking back to the door as he closed the gap with the door once again.
"Jimin?!" Yoongi called out, beginning to worry and attempting to open the door again and yet it still didn't budge. Yoongi pulled away to look for anything in the hallway, but through the darkness surrounding him, he could only see the outline of what seemed to be a crowbar leaning against the wall behind him off to the side across from the door. The ravenette began moving towards it as quickly as possible, his only objective being able to get to Jimin. His feet were quick but, it ended just as fast as Yoongi was stopped abruptly upon the loud, metal clank filling the air followed by his loud scream alongside the severe pain from his left ankle that quickly spread throughout his leg. "Ah- FUCK!" Yoongi fell down to his right knee, looking down at the bear trap he had gotten himself caught in. His jeans were quickly soaked with the crimson liquid, a few drops falling from the teeth of the trap that landed on the floor below. It was common sense to him to know that when the trap opens up, blood will be gushing out. He really had no choice though, did he? He couldn't possibly walk around with a trap on his ankle forever. But, he didn't have any medical supplies either. What is he to do? What can he do? He knew he didn't have much time to really think, no matter what he thought ht ecould do, it'll end up resulting in either blood loss, infection, really anything. He sucked air through his teeth, Yoongi then looked up from the trap and at the item just inches away, reaching out for it. The pain was just unbearable, he was sure that it was better to leave the trap closed on his leg, but he would not be able to move that well nor do anything and he didn't know when help or anyone else would come (if there even was anyone else here, he never thought that he may be losing his mind really).

He tried standing back up with his free leg, bending over as much as he could to reach the crowbar when finally he managed to get his hand on it and brought it back to him. Without hesitance, he stuck the end of the crowbar between the teeth of the bear trap and pushed it to one side to separate them. In the first attempt, the end slipped out and the teeth clashed back together, making Yoongi cry out in pain as more blood began to drip. Being scared would be an underestimate of how Yoongi was feeling in this moment but, it definitely was one of the few reasons for the tears falling down his face. He lifted the crowbar up again, sticking the end between the teeth and shoving hard to try to stick it in deeper. He pulled it to one side again, putting as much force as he could into it until it finally popped open with the same loud clank as before and Yoongi fell backwards out of the trap with a strained cry once again. He figured there would be time to stop the immense bleeding from his ankle as he was then quick to crawl over to the door and struggle to pull himself up to his feet (most of his weight being on his good leg). The ravenette then stuck the end into the side and pulled, popping the wooden door open. Yoongi couldn't remember where he learned how to do any of this. He would have figured it was common sense, but could it really have been? "Jimin?" Yoongi limped into the room, blood following behind his injured leg. He finds the said small boy on the floor with his knees to his chest. He was visibly shaking. Severely. It was hard to tell if the boy was scared or cold (or both). He came over, putting a hand on his shoulder "Jimin?" There was no response. He continued to shake, refusing to look at Yoongi.

"Now why did you have to do that?" Jimin sighed, wrapping the white bandage around Yoongi's forearm all the way up to his wrist and around his thumb.
"Because I didn't like what they said to you." The other man mumbled, refusing to look at Jimin. "And I'm fine by the way, you didn't have to do this."
"Yoongi, you realize your wrist is literally sprained?" Jimin questioned in disbelief, looking at Yoongi despite the other acting like he didn't even acknowledge he was being looked at. Jimin huffed when there was no response, not even any sort of reaction. He turned his attention back to finishing the bandage wrap. "Yoongi, I'm not saying I'm ungrateful. I appreciate that you're willing to defend your friends, especially me, when we don't stand up for ourselves and let things slide. But, you have got to stop getting yourself hurt over it. Please?" He let go of the other's arm, looking at him and moving over a bit to try and get into his view. He watched as Yoongi's eyes finally moved over to him, the boy finally sighing in defeat.

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