Episode 1: The Beginning of Something?

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Like I said in the previous chapter we cut to a bus with 8 Teenagers who are on a field trip for-

"Because Popcorn and by association US! Have been to detention so MUCH THAT WE ON A FIELD TRIP BECAUSE WE ARE STUPID BABY LOSERS!" Said Pea the smart kid in the group who you can also say is a-

"HA! You are the literal embodiment of the NERD EMOJI!" Said Jej the Gen Z kid of this group who is annoying like annoying ANNOYING! Like I don't want to be in the same room with him! EVER!

"Aw come on Pea man! I just was trying to see my grade record!" Said Popcorn the chill gal I say that's a girl I would be friends with!


"Chill out man! It's not like you will lose you life over this! And this is a field trip we can all just relax and chill around until we get back home! Said Popcorn

"Yeah! Said Bowling Ball the goofball of the group but no one genuinely cares about him because they think he's weird which is just sad..

"Hahahaha.. Right?" Said Bowling Ball

Everyone just looked at him weird..

"Okay I'll stop talking.." Said Bowling Ball

"Okay but anyways just chill Pea man!" Said Popcorn

"NO! Acid don't you agree with me?" Said Pea

"No because I was taking my notes on how that our home town and many more cities have been having some technical errors in the past few weeks.." Said Acid A little like nerd besides the fact he gets offended very easily like VERY easily like on drop of a hat!

"Okay.. But I don't care.." Said Pea

"Okay if you don't want to figure out what is going on and possibly be a hero then be that way.." Said Acid smugly

"Oooh I wanna be a hero!" Said Meatball who is just there and pretty forgeable like what's even his personality?

"I see why would you want to be a chad hero! Because you don't have a sigma personality!" Said Jej

"HEY I HAVE A PERSONALITY! I'm laid-back and joyful! I just want to be a hero because it's seems cool.." Said Meatball

"If you wanna be a hero then help us break out of this bus.." Said Pea

"Yeah." Said Doorstopper a trans gal that's cool! but anyways she used to be easily offended like Acid but got help so she's pretty happy and calm now! Hopefully that doesn't change!

"Or maybe you're just-" Said Pea before Meatball interpreted

"OKAY!" Said Meatball so he grabbed Bowling Ball and then threw him into the bus driver and he was then knocked out while Bowling Ball stopped the bus on the side of the street and all of them then got off the bus.


"I'm not a goat but thank you." Said Meatball

"You're sigma well.." Said Jej before he saw something.

Which was a large building that looked old.

"Come.. WOW what is that beta sigma Pea!" Said Jej

"That's a building Jej and where teens like us shouldn't be in.. So obviously he's already in there isn't he.." Said Pea

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