The Controversial Normalness of Unsure Romance

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Here, more cafeteria food. Not even the cheese has flavor.

Finally, Erebus was alone.

He sighed, leaning back against a tree. Looking around nervously to confirm Malacoda hadn't followed him, the enderman slowly sat on the ground. He yawned and stretched his arms behind him, just to freeze at the sound of footsteps.

"Wh-who..." He whimspered, curling up against himself, his eyes wide with fear. Notch forbid he got a break from the Nether mobs hunting him down...

"Ereb- uh, sir..?"

Erebus visibly relaxed when he saw Victor, sighing once more. He closed his eyes for just a moment, and when he opened them again he flinched and let out a startled, strangled cry, jumping back. Victor had teleported right in front of him, uncomfortably close. Somehow Erebus hadn't heard the zip of his travel. The screech caused Victor to jump back as well, looking down at his fidgeting hands apologetically.

"S-sorry sir...I'm not good with spacial awareness..." He muttered, looking back up at his king and possible friend.

After the initial shock of not getting burned for running away, Erebus shook his head and feigned a scowl. His high, shrieking voice was a bit shaken still, but high in his authority.

"What the hell do you want, lieuten-?!" His scream was caught in his throat at a sudden wave of relief washed over him, forcing him to let out a sigh and relax his body.

Victor was massaging his shoulders. And he was damn good at it.

Erebus gave a quiet groan, grabbing his friend's wrist to try and lower his hands to his back. He heard a quiet snicker behind him before Victor moved to right below his shoulder blades, grinning as Erebus arched forward.

"Here, why don't you lay down so I can pop your back?" Victor suggested, laughing quietly to himself as Erebus very willingly laid down on his stomach. The shorter enderman continued his rubbing, slowly pushing down more and more until a loud, long crackle sounded, followed by Erebus groaning in relief.

"Thank you...I've been so stiff-" he was cut off with another crack lower on his back. He felt so much better already, especially when Victor moved down to his waist. He didn't even register how intimate this looked, especially with Victor sitting behind him in between his legs, pushing and rubbing against his waist.

He let out a whine when Victor suddenly stopped, but his pleading expression quickly dropped to fear as he saw Victor's concerned face.

Wounds. A lot of them. Victor studied the position, the bruises and cuts in his waist and thighs, especially close to somewhere nobody wanted to have bruises. Erebus knew Victor knew, especially after his frown grew into a scowl.

"That disgusting, bloated albino box of methane..." he growled, letting go of Erebus's hips and reaching into his inventory for some bandage and potion of healing. Erebus winced as he felt the pink fizzing liquid sting his wounds. "On top of all the weight you've lost..."

Erebus was almost scared of Victor's sudden hateful voice, which was much firmer than his normal quick mumbling. But at the same time, the king was flattered. He'd never been worshipped like this, taken care of so gently, almost having forgotten kind touch before Victor began wrapping the cloth bandage around the soaked spot. He felt...praised.

Victor froze when he noticed Erebus twitch, still laying in the grass. He was crying, the king of Endermen, right here, was crying.

"When is it going to end?!" He sobbed, turning over and looking up at Victor with teary, vibrant pink eyes. "When will he...when will he just fucking kill me?!"

The small-ish enderman scampered to try and comfort his lord, unsure whether it would be wise to touch him or not. He didn't need an answer though, as Erebus crawled into his arms, his bony arms wrapping around Victor's chest. In a small voice, Erebus continued.

"I don't want to go back, Victor- hic. I-I want to go back to the end. I'm so hungry and tired...what did I do to deserve this? What?!"

Victor, too stunned to speak, just held Erebus back. Rubbing a hand over the king's spine, his eyes narrowed, glowing faintly in hate. That damn fool of a ghast doesn't know what species he's messing with.

Victor didn't have time to think of a response before Erebus and pulled him into a death grip, restraining him where he sat. Victor squeaked, stuck under a very emotional king and unsure how to approach this.

"H-hey-" he tried to hush Erebus like a crying child, patting his head.

"People used to praise me! They used to surround me, kissing my face and trying to make contact with me... I was a god, Victor! What happened?! How did I fail so badly??!"

"I-" Victor stuttered. What the hell do you even say to that?

"I-I could...kiss you?" He bit his tongue, staring down in shock at what he'd just said. Erebus's head jerked up, his arms accidentally squeezing a bit tighter at the thought. As they stared in shared disbelief that Victor would say that, a blush coated their faces.

"You would?"

"Well- I mean- I-if you wanted-"

Embarrassment mixed with fluster as Victor realized the position they were in. Victor was now the one sitting against the tree, Erebus sprawled out in front of him hugging his chest. He couldn't decide whether to feel awkward or attracted.

Erebus looked off to the side for a moment, considering his options. On one hand, this was his lieutenant. On the other, it seemed like he was the only person who hadn't left him for Malacoda. The odd feeling of safety this man made him feel was making him question himself. Finally he spoke, his voice hoarse.

"I'd like that."

Victor choked, but obeyed. He sheepishly leaned down, pecking the king's forehead. That was all it took to help Erebus make up his mind. Victor had single handedly been the one holding Erebus's hand through all the shit that went on, no matter how pathetic and dirty of a slave he was reduced down to.

He jerked up, smushing his face into Victor's awkwardly, like a cat trying to get attention. It wasn't really much of a kiss, and it almost made Victor laugh, but he kept quiet and helped fix Erebus's form.

"Goof, you don't need to pucker your lips that much-" he snickered, blushing. With a bit of hesitation, he leaned forward and kissed Erebus once again, leaving a second-long kiss on his lips. The king looked down in embarrassment, a goofy smile spreading over his face. It hurt a bit, he hadn't smiled in forever, but it was also a nice change.

"Can you teach me?"

Victor tilted his head, earning a small laugh from Erebus who had seemingly forgotten the dangers of the Nether king. "Like, how to kiss?"

The short enderman bit back a nervous laugh, looking around. Finally, he decided to fuck it and lean down again.

He met Erebus's lips with strange confidence, keeping the kiss for much longer before making another risk. He heard Erebus gasp as he slowly stuck his tongue out, wrapping it around Erebus's. The king made a small noise, pulling closer to his warm body.

With a shaky breath, Victor put his hands on Erebus's hips, above the bandages to avoid hurting him. The sound of crickets and frogs seemed to drown out when Erebus tilted his head to the side, his mind blank with nothing but Victor, how much he appreciated him.

When they finally broke away, they met each other with calm eyes, both of them slowly smiling.

"This...might not be a good idea right now."

"You're right..." Erebus mumbled, though he couldn't hide the disappointment in his voice. He yawned again, snuggling into Victor's chest.

Victor smiled, slouching back a bit more so Erebus could better rest. In no time, small high-pitched snores met the lieutenant's pointed ears, drawing them down and lulling Victor's eyes closed.

" you, Erebus..."

The Controversial Normalness of Wanting to be EverythingWhere stories live. Discover now