We're not straight- I mean gay

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A/n I'll try to write using their personalities 

(this is super old, this is current me, deciding to man up and upload this atrocity, it may suck, I've never written fan fiction, I honestly got bored one day)

Jake pov:

I'm sleeping like usual considering it's... 5am, when I hear "JAKEEEEEEE" and either it's Johnnie or a skin walker.

 "Whatttt" I mumble realizing I barely heard myself.

 He knocks once before bursting into my room, "my uncle did that once" I mumble, and giggle at my own joke. 

"Jake, this will NOT help with the gay accusations." Johnnie shows me a photo of us making out in a bathroom.

 "Woah, when did that happen?" I say more clearly, visibly shocked.

 Suddenly I remember there was a party last night and now I feel the effects of alcohol.

 I take a peek at Johnnie and he looks exactly how I feel, wrecked. 

"How are we living this down?" I sigh.


Johnnie pov:

"Jake, did Tara text you?" I asked my roommate, who was sprawled out on the couch. 

"Yeah, like two seconds ago" he replies.

 "She wants us to go to some party." He finishes. 

"I'm down if you are." I say. 

"Yeah, if we get there in time, you only take 2 hours to get ready." Jake laughs.

 "Hey!" I whine and throw a pillow at him, leaving to get ready.

 By the time I finish getting ready it has been an hour and a half give or take. Jake looked bored on the couch holding his belt as if about to fasten it. 

"You look like my grandpa" I say in a voice.

 "Ready?" I ask.


Jake drives because I can't, we arrive and there's an insane amount of people (like 100, aka not that many)

Tara comes up to us with two red solo cups and offers us drinks, we both accept and just hang out for a while. There's a lot more people showing up, most of them I don't know. Not a big surprise though.

 "YOOOOOOOO" I hear someone yell, Jake and I turn our heads and see what appears to be a bunch of frat boys.

 I roll my eyes and get up to walk away with Jake, but they seem to be coming our way. 

"EMOOOOSSSSSSSS" One of the larger ones laughs, I ignore them until one of them grabs my face, I, visibly uncomfortable move his hand. 

Jake eyes him and calmly says "Maybe don't grab people without warning?"

 The boys continue to laugh. "What are you his boyfriend or something?" One says. 

"And? The point you're making is standing up for my friend makes us gay." Jake swiftly replies. 

We start walking away when one grabs my shoulder. "Maybe stand up for YOURSELF? F*g." 

I'm used to being called slurs, emo and all, so I wasn't bothered, just peeved.

 "Maybe shut up?" I reply, a bad comeback, but good enough for the moment. 

Jake looked angry at his remark.

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