guys i hate chatgpt

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🌞 Morning: Wake up like you're in a rom-com montage. Bedhead game strong, stumble to the bathroom. Start your day with a TikTok dance challenge in front of the mirror. Forget you have to be at work in 30 minutes. Quick coffee like it's the elixir of life. #AdultingFail

☕️ Mid-Morning: At work, sneak a peek at TikTok memes to survive the morning meeting. Boss catches you—awkward! Stay hydrated with memes. Lunchtime means catching up on all the latest TikTok trends with your colleagues. Try not to laugh out loud in the break room. #OfficeAntics

📱 Afternoon: Post-lunch slump hits hard. You watch one TikTok and suddenly it's been an hour. Oops! Hustle through tasks like it's a TikTok challenge. Snack break? TikTok. Bathroom break? TikTok. Time management skills: 0. #ProcrastinationStation

🌇 Evening: Freedom! Time to unleash your inner TikTok star. Dinner becomes a cooking show. Attempt a viral recipe and fail gloriously. Roommate films it all. Film a TikTok about the fail—it goes viral. Choreograph another dance routine before bed. #LifeOfAStar

🌙 Night: Finally, wind down scrolling through TikTok in bed. Suddenly, it's 2 AM and you're watching a conspiracy theory explained by dancing cats. Who needs sleep anyway? Reflect on the day with TikTok memes. Plan tomorrow's TikTok conquests. Dream in TikTok trends. #TikTokDreams

anyways i told chatgpt to make a day in my life with tiktok humor and that's what it gave me.

Today i woke up and i ate some springrolls that were leftovers from yesterday at night.

Guys i have a problem, do you know how it feels when you have that friend that knows everything about you? Well i have one, and he's pretty cool ngl but he always makes jokes about how cringe i am for using character ai and wattpad 😭 (yall cant call me cringe ure probably here reading gay porn or something)

anyways i remember i had a friend that also knew everything about me, we always drew together in class and she was pretty emo ngl lol, but she was cool anyways, i remember i liked to play volleyball and football with her cuz if u did something wrong she wouldn't come at you with a whole poem about how ure shit like my whole class 😓🙏 instead she just told u u did good but next time to do better, she was so nice to me i became her girlfriend, i remember i told her i was trans trough a drawing LOL, cuz i would steal her notebook to draw in it and then she always saw my drawings cuz she loved them and then saw the page where i told her, (i think i have a photo) (no i don't i forgot i deleted it) Lol but anyways she came at me one day and showed me the drawing and said something like "are u trans?" and i said "yeah" and she just nodded and went back to drawing, that's why i loved her so much but anyways, some years later i moved away and she broke up with me cuz she hated long-distance relationships.

Anyways i'm gonna be 100% honest, i have a crush on a girl from my class, she has green eyes and brown long curly hair, like long, long, hair, she's also my friend and she had the clearest skin ever too, her fashion sense is honestly really shit but that doesn't matter lol.

recommend songs i just found out i can listen to music on art (the class), i wanna buy new thingys that u put in ur ears so u hear music and no one else does (i forgot how that was called and i'm too lazy to go on the translator) cuz mine are purple bears and i'm kinda embarrassed to use them in class, i can cover them anyways cuz my hair goes to my shoulders but still.

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