Questions i sometimes make (and answers cuz why not)

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Is destiny really a thing or is it just something we created to have a reason for our actions?

Is it real that people believe in things like god because they need an answer to them? How is the bible so long if god's not real? I don't believe in god but i do believe in Jesus, maybe it was all a lie? Maybe Jesus was just a normal man that wanted to be famous so he set up all these things?

Can we truly have free will if our actions are influenced by things that we can't control, like genetics, upbringing, and societal norms?

Why is being gay or trans a bad thing when being for example a buddhist instead of a catholic is alright? Or is there also racism or whatever it's called towards religions?

Shouldn't we all believe in the same god? if gods are real, why do we all believe in different ones?

Why can we see and make images on our heads?

Why are people so scared of taking ugly photos? Honestly i think i understand this one, at first i was scared of taking ugly or funny photos because i tought everyone would think i was ugly, but when someone else takes an ugly photo i think they're just funny so i changed and decided to do the same, what are those people going to do with the photos anyways?

I think confident people are always the ones that are the funniest, probably because they already think they're enough or the best, so they let you take funny photos of them, they make ugly faces and most of the time they are all funny because they don't worry about you thinking anything of them, instead they focus on the good things of themselves, not caring about what anyone else says because they love themselves, love yourself.

And then there's the ugly people who accepted it (like me/jk i'm beautiful) i remember in 2021 thinking i was ugly so i tried my best to be funny, because if you're ugly atleast you're funny, right? Turns out not. You have to have confident in yourself, not care about what anyone else says, just live your life however you want and most people will compliment you.

why do we hesitate to do things? like jumping into a cold pool, why does our body stop before jumping into it? is it like some kind of reflex?

Why are humans so fragile? we can literally die with everything, even daily things, like water, fire, doing nothing, doing a lot of things, etc.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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