Chapter 21 ( another sun burn mission) Summer chapter

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The air crackled with static as Bernadette Tracy, decked out in her International Rescue pink uniform, adjusted the commlink on her ear. 'Thunderbird 2, do you copy?'

'Thunderbird 2, loud and clear, Thunderbird 1,' came Scott's voice, a hint of urgency in his tone. 'We've got a situation. A large cargo ship, the 'Seafarer,' is caught in a violent storm off the coast of Bermuda. The crew's signaling distress, but their communications are unreliable.'

Bernadette's brow furrowed. A storm in Bermuda? That sounded familiar. "I remember that one. Dad said it was a rogue storm, suddenly appearing out of nowhere. He thought it was caused by some sort of...interference," she muttered, her thoughts drifting back to her father, Jeff Tracy.

"Thunderbird 2, you're needed on scene. There's a chance they'll need medical assistance, so be prepared for a possible evacuation," Scott instructed.

"Thunderbird 2, on its way, Thunderbird 1," Bernadette replied, pulling the lever to activate Thunderbird 2's launch sequence. "Virgil's on vacation this week," she informed her brother.

"I know," Scott responded, a note of amusement in his voice. "And Grandma's on her annual trip to the Bahamas, so you're the only pilot who can fly the big bird."

Bernadette grinned, ignoring the slight teasing edge to Scott's words. She loved piloting Thunderbird 2, and this mission was a chance to prove her skills. As Thunderbird 2 soared into the sky, she couldn't shake off the strange feeling of deja vu. The storm was exactly the same as the one her father had described – a swirling vortex of grey that seemed to defy the laws of nature.

"Thunderbird 2 approaching the Seafarer," Bernadette reported, her voice calm despite the churning sea below. "The storm's getting worse."

"Hold tight, Thunderbird 2," Scott warned. "We've got a weather anomaly on our scanners. We're not sure what's causing it."

As Thunderbird 2 descended, the winds whipped around the craft, buffeted by the storm's erratic energy. Bernadette skillfully navigated the turbulent air, maintaining the rescue vehicle's stability. The 'Seafarer' was a battered sight, its hull groaning under the onslaught of the storm.

Suddenly, the commlink crackled again. "Thunderbird 2, this is John. We need help! We've lost engine power and can't maneuver. The storm's pulling us under!" John's voice was strained, filled with panic.

Bernadette's heart sank. John's voice was laced with urgency. She could hear the fear in his voice. "Thunderbird 2, we're on our way," she replied, her voice steady, despite the turbulent ocean churning beneath them.

With the fury of the storm intensifying, Bernadette began maneuvering Thunderbird 2 into a daring rescue attempt. She skillfully navigated the craft through the chaotic currents, the storm's powerful gusts trying to topple her. She had to pull it off. Keeping her focus, she brought Thunderbird 2 alongside the battered Seafarer, her eyes constantly on the storm's whirling vortex.

"John, we're here! Brace yourselves!" she shouted into the commlink as she lowered Thunderbird 2's rescue pod, connecting it to the ship.

But then, the unexpected happened. As the pod connected to the Seafarer, the vortex in the sky began to spin faster and faster. The energy from the storm pulsed, and the storm's energy surged into the ship, the Seafarer, and Thunderbird 2, as though the storm was angry that they were interfering.

The ship shuddered violently. 'Thunderbird 2, we've got a massive power surge! The ship's overloaded!" John yelled, his voice frantic.

"Thunderbird 2, stay calm!" Bernadette urged. They had to get out of there. She watched as the storm pulsed, drawing closer to Thunderbird 2. The energy surged, threatening to overwhelm the ship. She pulled back the lever, and Thunderbird 2 started to pull away from the Seafarer.

"John, we have to get out of here!" she yelled, her voice muffled by the storm's fury. "Get to the pod!"

The storm seemed to know the rescue pod was where the crew was headed. It started drawing in energy, feeding off the ship's electrical system, then focused the energy into the pod, creating a massive surge of energy toward Thunderbird 2.

"Thunderbird 2! Get out of the way!" John shouted. He knew the pod was not going to survive that.

Bernadette did what she had to do. She pulled the lever and Thunderbird 2 rocketed upward, away from the Seafarer, leaving it to its fate. As they climbed higher, Bernadette glanced back at the storm. The energy was still pulsing, surging around the ship, but the crew had made it to the rescue pod, and it was separating from the ship.

They weren't out of the woods yet, but she had bought them some time. "Thunderbird 1, we're clear, but the storm is still active," Bernadette reported, her voice filled with the adrenaline and tension of the rescue.

"Thunderbird 1, copy that, Thunderbird 2." Scott said. "Let's get the crew back to International Rescue's headquarters. We'll have to figure out what caused that anomaly."

The storm continued to rage, a swirling vortex of energy in the sky, as Thunderbird 2 carried the crew of the Seafarer back to safety. Bernadette knew there was more to this storm than met the eye, and she was determined to find out what was causing it. She had a feeling this was just the beginning.

Her thoughts drifted back to her father's words about the rogue storms and his talk of interference. Maybe it was time to call on her own powers.

"Thunderbird 1, I'm going to stay with this storm. I need to figure out what's causing it. I'll be in contact," Bernadette declared. This was her chance to prove she wasn't just a backup pilot, but also a skilled Ranger.

"Thunderbird 2, be careful!" Scott warned. He knew his sister was brave, but this was going to be a dangerous mission.

As Thunderbird 2 circled the storm, Bernadette put on her communicator. It was time to transform into the Purple Ranger. "It looks like it's time to call in some backup," she said, with a mischievous grin.

End of chapter 21

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