Chapter 85 John worried about hid brother Virgil summer chapter

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Title: Guardians of Light

Perspective 1: John Tracy - Green Lightspeed Rescue

It was one of those blistering summer afternoons when the sun hung_high like a polished coin, casting sharp shadows across the Tracy family's base. The Thunderbird hangars thrummed with a kind of anticipation that made John's heart race. As the lead pilot of Thunderbird 5, he was trained for emergencies, tactical operations, and high-stakes missions, yet nothing felt as heavy as the worry clenching his gut.

His brother Virgil had been unwell for the past few days. The usually buoyant artist now looked pallid and drawled through his sentences like he was dragging his voice along with him. The others were concerned, but nobody was more worried than John. He had watched over Virgil for as long as he could remember, the steadfast protector in a world filled with chaos.

"Bernadette," he called over the radio, "how's Virgil doing in Thunderbird 2? We're supposed to launch any minute."

"He's still a little weak, but he insists he can handle this. You know our brother—stubborn as a mule," came Bernadette's light-hearted reply, despite the urgency. He could picture her in her purple uniform, offering a warm smile even through the comlink. "He'll be fine, John. He would never let down International Rescue. He's got me riding shotgun today."

"Yeah, I get it, but I still don't like it."

"Trust in him, John. Remember what we're doing this for," her tone shifted, seriousness replacing cheer. "We'll keep an eye on him."

As if on cue, the growl of thunder echoed behind them—the Thunderbirds launching into action, preparing for their latest mission. Yet worry gnawed at John. Curiosity launched his own sense of duty into the air, and he pushed those concerns aside as the countdown began.

Perspective 2: Virgil Tracy - Thunderbird 2 Pilot

Mirror images of the inside of Thunderbird 2 cast reflections that reminded Virgil of a dream he had long forgotten. Each button in front of him had served a purpose, each flick and press invoking memories of his greatest rescues. But today, the shadows danced differently. Today, his body was not responding as it should.

"Stay focused, Virgil," Bernadette's voice poked through his foggy thoughts. "We've got a mission to run." Her confidence washed over him like a refreshing tide, but deep down, he knew he was running on fumes.

"I'll do my best, sis," he murmured. The reality was, he felt frail and sluggish, each command a battle in itself. They were on their way to assist a small village engulfed by a rogue wave caused by a distant typhoon, and it was critical. But still, the apprehension tugged at him.

"Are you sure you can handle this?" Bernadette's eyes were filled with warmth, but they held concern too. The intimacy of their connection was undeniable.

"Of course. I'm just... a little tired." He didn't need to convey how much he wished to feel more like himself. Instead, he steeled his resolve. "Let's go save some lives."

Perspective 3: Bernadette Tracy - Purple Mighty Morphin / Zeo / Turbo / Time Force / Silver Guardian Doctor

As Thunderbird 2 soared through the clouds, Bernadette allowed her mind to race ahead into the possibilities they could face. Sometimes working alongside her brothers felt like wielding the most thrilling weapon of all—their spirit of teamwork. But worry flickered within her; she could see that Virgil needed to take a step back, yet her heart tugged her to stand by him.

With the comlink still active, she decided, "If we encounter trouble, I want you to follow my lead, Virgil. No heroics today," she ordered playfully but with an edge of seriousness.

"Whatever you say, Doc," he replied, a faint smile gracing his lips. For a moment, that spirit broke through; they were not merely pilots. They were heroes, siblings united against chaos.

Suddenly, Alice and Chloe's voices crackled through the comlink, filling her with determination that pulsed through her veins. "We're ready for anything, girls!" Alice shouted with enthusiasm.

"What's the play, Bern?" Chloe chirped, the air thick with excitement.

"We'll assess the situation first. Keep your Sailor Scouts activated. If those negaverse monsters show up, we'll transform and fight back like the champions we are!" The group agreed and as they shared a laugh, a shadow passed over the cockpit: they were entering the disaster zone.

Perspective 4: Alice - Sailor Jupiter

"Alright, squad, transform!" commanded Alice. She flashed her Stylus wand and watched as her friends fell into rhythm, their glittering transformations bursting forth like firework displays.

"I'm Sailor Mercury!" Chloe shouted, brandishing her wand.

"I'm Sailor Venus!" Evie chimed in, energy surrounding them like a force field.

They were all ready, and yet anxiety flared in Alice's chest thinking of Virgil's weakened state. "Let's cover my brother; Bernadette needs him." But her thoughts were interrupted as the first wave of Negaverse creatures swept down from the clouds.

"Time for a distraction!" Red, who had shifted into his Power Ranger persona, yelled, "Let's split up! You four take the left flank; I'll draw their focus!"

"Gotcha!" the girls shouted, rallying behind their leader.

As they engaged in battle, the urgency of the moment charged through her once more. Everything was elevated in a way that pushed aside their fears—here they were: sisters in arms. Together, they held the future.

Perspective 5: Tuxedo Mask - Darien

As Darien sensed the shift around them—the disturbance pulling the sky into itself—he arrived just in time. Emerging from the shadows, he pulled his mask over his face. "I won't allow darkness to overshadow their light," he promised himself.

Scanning the battlefield, an understanding clicked into place. They were a team—John's steadfastness, Bernadette's compassion, the youthful power of the Sailor Scouts, and Virgil's resolve. They would prevail against the overwhelming odds; all it took was unity.

"Stay strong," he rallied, bolstering the bravery flickering within them.

When the confrontation became intense, he nudged closer to where Bernadette and Virgil were, needing to protect his own as the urges to falter pressed down. The tide of the fight was dizzying, but focus remained their only option.

Conclusion: A Unified Resurgence

As clouds thickened, John, witnessing a calamity unfold and force their hands to together, felt hope surge through them, like a wind against a bruised sail. It was his brother Virgil's tenacity, Bernadette's light, and the girls' determination; together, they were an unstoppable force.

Suddenly, with the last pulse of battle, the moment arrived. With the combination of Sailor transformations and Power Ranger abilities, they threw the darkness back, piece by piece, until the sky was once more bright and the dangers drawn back into the recesses of the Negaverse.

"Thunderbird 5 assisting!" John shouted through the comlink.

The cheers from the team echoed back—different voices, but each signifying the strength of their bond. The mission concluded, relief washed over John, and he couldn't wait to hear Virgil's laughter once more.

Bernadette confessed later that day, "Together, we are invincible, brother." And as they all stood there, laughter mingling with their unity, John felt that shining truth: nothing could dim the light they forged together.

The End of chapter 85

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