Chapter 3: The Test

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The high-level gate was located in the heart of the city, and as Nile approached, he could feel the oppressive aura emanating from it. A team of elite hunters was already on the scene, but they were struggling against the powerful monsters pouring out of the portal.

"Stay back!" one of the elite hunters shouted as Nile approached. "This is too dangerous for a rookie!"

Nile ignored the warning, his eyes locked on the battle. Drawing on his new skill, Combat Insight, he analyzed the monsters' movements and weaknesses. With a deep breath, he charged into the fray.

The elite hunters watched in shock as Nile moved with unparalleled agility and precision. He weaved through the monsters, striking with pinpoint accuracy and devastating power. It was as if he could predict their every move.

Within minutes, the tide of the battle turned. The monsters fell one by one, and the gate began to close. The leader of the elite team, a seasoned hunter named Marcus, approached Nile, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"Who are you?" Marcus demanded. "No ordinary Awakened can fight like that."

Nile hesitated, then decided to reveal part of the truth. "I recently awakened and inherited a unique power. I'm still figuring it out myself."

Marcus studied him for a moment, then nodded. "Whatever your power is, it's impressive. We could use someone like you in the Hunter Association."

As the gate finally closed, Nile felt a sense of accomplishment. He had faced his first real test and emerged victorious. But he knew this was only the beginning. The knowledge he possessed hinted at far greater challenges ahead.

As he walked away from the battlefield, another notification appeared in his vision.

"New Quest: Uncover the Secrets of the Omniscient Vanguard."

Nile's journey was just beginning, and he was determined to uncover the mysteries of his new power and protect the world from the threats that lay beyond the gates.

To be continued...

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