Chapter 6: The Council's Warning

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Returning from the dungeon, Nile and Ava found themselves summoned by the Hunter Association's Council. The council, composed of the most powerful and influential hunters, oversaw the activities of the Awakened and coordinated efforts to protect humanity from the gates.

The council chamber was an imposing room with high ceilings and walls lined with artifacts from various expeditions. Seated at a long table were the council members, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Nile Van, Ava Brooks," the council leader, a stern woman named Athnesia, began, "we have received reports of your recent exploits. You've successfully navigated a hidden dungeon and acquired powerful artifacts. This is no small feat."

Nile nodded, unsure where the conversation was leading. "Yes, ma'am. The knowledge and power we gained there could be vital in our fight against the gates."

Athnesia's gaze hardened. "Indeed. However, with great power comes great responsibility. The artifacts you possess could shift the balance of power among the Awakened. There are those who might seek to misuse them."

Ava stepped forward, her voice steady. "We understand the risks, but we're committed to using this power for the greater good. We want to help protect humanity."

A murmur of approval ran through the council, but Athnesia remained cautious. "We need to ensure these artifacts are not only kept safe but also used wisely. We propose you join an elite task force, directly under the council's supervision. Your knowledge and skills would be invaluable, and it would provide oversight to ensure the artifacts' responsible use."

Nile and Ava exchanged a glance. Joining the task force would mean more resources and support, but it also meant being under constant scrutiny. After a moment, Nile spoke. "We accept, on the condition that we maintain some autonomy. We need the freedom to act swiftly when necessary."

Athnesia considered his words before nodding. "Agreed. You will report directly to us, but you will have the latitude to make decisions in the field. Welcome to the Vanguard Task Force."

To be continued...

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