Sneak Peek

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"Can I hit your cigarette?" Elisa asked.

The guy gave her a strange look before handing her his Malboro red. Maybe it was because of her obnoxiously white tweed jacket or the kitten heels or perhaps the stained white sneakers in her hands with mismatched socks filling them. Maybe it was the fact she looked like she just left the country club and didn't smoke cigarettes. Or it could have been the bruise on her knuckles.

Exhaling the hit she took, she handed back the cig and got into the Uber that had she ordered thirty minutes prior. Her mascara-stained face and ruffled hair were evident in the reflection of the mirror as she stared at herself in disgust.

"Thank you for taking my request," she sighed as she began to comb her hair with her hand.

2 hours and 35 minutes

The older-looking gentleman peered in the back to take in her appearance, "Are you okay?".

She dryly chuckled, that was a funny question. Her knuckles were bruised from the punch she threw at what would have become her ex-fiance and the shove she gave her sister, who fell into the pool.

"Dandy," she smiled sarcastically as she looked into her Chanel handbag for her to-go makeup wipes. A girl could never be too prepared.

The car ride began in silence as she fixed up her appearance, one by one. Until the man, Jonathan according to the Uber app, cleared his throat to speak, "I have to ask... sorry if I sound rude... but where are you coming from?".

Even though she felt like she was floating in the air for the past two hours, she attempted to compose herself. "My boyfriend who would have proposed... we'll ex-boyfriend. I caught him making out with my sister and then punched him in the face in front of both of our families and left. I had a feeling he was cheating and had a crush on my sister, just never the two together. It was hilarious, he invited his whole family to my house for a proposal but they just got to watch him get punched in the face. And now, I'm going to the apartment that I signed in just my name. How has your night been?".

Jonathan seemed to be at a loss of words from her response as she applied her red lipstick in the back of the Uber. She chuckled at his dropped jaw as he began to ask questions, "I'm so sorry. What are you going to do now?".

Fixing her lipstick and checking herself out in the mirror, she made eye contact with him, "I'm never making that mistake again. I would have said no anyway but I sure hope someone got that punch on video".

Examining herself in the mirror, she looked as put together as she could after what just occurred. Nothing had changed except the look in her eyes and her change of heart. She would never be as humiliated as she was tonight.

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