Found pt.1

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Family dinners are always an awkward affair in the Andrews Household.

They're full of stilted conversations that hold no substance and awkward silences. His parents never ask about their lives, except about school. Everything stiff and emotionless. It's almost like a script.

Today is no different.

"So, how was school today?" His mom asks. She's looking at Logan but it's obvious her attention is elsewhere.

Her phone is face up on the table next to her plate.

"It was fantastic." Logan replies. Her phone buzzes and lights up, she immediately picks it up and begins typing.

Logan turns his attention to his dad. He's cutting a piece of his chicken.

"We had a test in algebra today. It was easy so I most definitely passed."

Logan's dad hums, "Good." Is all he has to say. He brings his forkful to his mouth. He chews. He swallows. He turns his attention to Virgil.

"What about you, Virgil?" Their mom puts her phone back down.

When Logan looks at where Virgil is sitting next to him. He's staring down at his plate, pushing around a grape tomato that's rolled away from the rest of his salad. He doesn't look up or speak, just shrugs his shoulders.

Their mom makes an annoyed sound. "Virgil, he asked you a question."

Virgil looks up at them through his eyelashes. He looks slightly panicked as he responds.

"It was fine..." He mutters. Logan can tell that he's hoping it'll be enough to quell their parents need for him to speak. It's not. They're still looking at him, waiting for him to say more.

Logan wants to scream at them about how counterproductive it is for them to attempt to force him to speak when he's clearly not comfortable doing so. He holds his tongue.

"I spent most of today helping finish up the set for our competition next week." Virgil finally says.

"What competition?" Their mom asks. Of course they've forgotten.

"Theatre." Logan cuts in, saving Virgil from having to speak more. "We have our District competition on next Thursday."

Logan's dad sighs. "I don't see why the two of you insist on doing theatre. There's so many other extracurriculars that provide so much more for your educations."

"Mr.Picani has never had a class go any lower than state, and our group is doing very good this year so I have no doubt that we will make it to state, if not nationals this year. Which would look great on a college application."

"I just don't see how it adds any value to-" Their dad starts, before being cut off.

"It adds tons of value." Logan argues back before gesturing to Virgil. "Especially if Virgil wishes to go to art school. Having a set he designed, and was the person who primarily worked on go to national levels would be a great booster for his portfolio."

Their mom opens her mouth, obviously about to say something about Virgil's choice of career when Virgil himself speaks up.

"May I be excused?" He asks. Their mom closes her mouth and simply nods.

Virgil doesn't wait a moment before grabbing his plate and taking it to the kitchen. He stalks past them them a minute later. Logan pretends not to see the tears welling up in his eyes.

Their parents aren't paying enough attention to need to pretend.

a/n: I hope you enjoyed! I already have a part two to this in the works so you can look forwards to that!

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