Chapter 8

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I was just casually typing on my computer while working on some tasks that were almost due for submission. I decided to look at the clock and noticed it was almost 12 pm, which meant it was lunchtime.

My stomach grumbled in response, reminding me that I had skipped breakfast. I saved my work and stood up, stretching my arms above my head to relieve the tension that had built up from hours of sitting. As I walked towards the kitchen to prepare a quick meal, but my phone buzzed with a notification. It was a message from Eileen:

"Hey, how's it going? Want to grab lunch together? I know a new place nearby that has amazing reviews! By the way I just want to apologize if I cannot make it earlier, I'm planning for a half day."

I hesitated for a moment, still feeling the emotional weight from the recent events with Kristoff. But then, I decided that a change of scenery and some good company might do me good. I quickly typed back.

"Sure, sounds great! Where should we meet?"

Eileen responded almost immediately with the address. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door, determined to enjoy the afternoon and momentarily forget about the chaos of my personal life.

The cafe Eileen mentioned was quaint and charming, with a cozy ambiance that instantly lifted my spirits. I spotted her sitting at a corner table, waving enthusiastically as I approached. We hugged briefly before sitting down.

"So, how are you holding up?" Eileen asked, her eyes filled with genuine concern.

"I'm managing," I replied with a weak smile. "It's been tough, but I'm trying to focus on work and other things to keep my mind off it."

"That's good to hear," she said. "And remember, I'm always here for you. Now, let's order something delicious and take a break from all the stress."

We browsed the menu and placed our orders. As we waited for our food, we chatted about lighter topics, from the latest movies to Eileen's recent travel plans. It felt refreshing to talk about something other than my relationship troubles.

Our food arrived, and we dug in, savoring the flavors and enjoying each other's company. For the first time in a while, I felt a sense of normalcy and contentment.

As we were finishing up, Eileen leaned in and said, "You know, I've been thinking about what happened with Kristoff. Maybe it's time to focus on yourself and what makes you happy. You deserve to be with someone who loves you for who you are, not because you remind them of someone else."

Her words struck a chord with me. She was right. I needed to stop dwelling on the past and start looking forward to a future where I could be truly happy and loved for who I am.

"Thanks, Eileen," I said sincerely. "You're right. It's time to move on and find happiness on my own terms."

She smiled and squeezed my hand. "That's the spirit, Alexis. Now, let's make a toast to new beginnings and brighter days ahead."

We raised our glasses and clinked them together, celebrating not just the end of a painful chapter, but the start of a new one filled with hope and possibilities.

"So, I am just wondering, when are you planning to get into a relationship? You haven't had a boyfriend for years now, what's your inspiration for staying single?" I asked, and Eileen chuckled a little.

"You," Eileen replied shortly. At that moment, I realized what she meant and we both laughed. "Is it because you always see me going through something? Is that it? Don't you want to experience what I'm experiencing? My one wish for you is to be the one comforting you when someone hurts you, but it just doesn't happen." I laughed.

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