Chapter II - Special Gift?

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Tsukasas POV:



*Insert Homecoming samsung alarm playing because he'd totally own a Samsung Galaxy S24 256GB amber yellow*

"TSUKASA WAKE UP GODDAMIT!" I heard my mother scream from downstairs.

"IM UP!!!" Ugh, another day of school. I better wake up Saki. "Saki? Are you up?"


I'm not even gonna bother waking her up. I look out the window to see Emu and Nene waiting for me outside my house. I dressed up quickly and grabbed some money before running out of the house.


Mrs Tenma (Tsukasas mom): "Huh? what's this...?

"Took you long enough," Nene said, smiling at me. "What? I didn't even do my hair this time."

"Good because we're gonna be up to something evil... muehheheheh >:)" Emu said, looking at me with devil eyes. I looked over at Nene in confusion, but she shrugged and signaled me to follow along.

Emu is always up to something. She's. a gentle, sweet, and happy girl, but she's also creepy sometimes. Last time, she took us to grill cockroaches... Let's hope it's nothing too bad this time.

As I followed along, it got darker and darker and darker till I couldn't see anymore. We were in some alleyway???

"Uhm, where are you guys...?"


"AAAAHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as Emu jumped at me with fangs...?

I looked to the side and saw Nene holding a flashlight and wearing a ghost costume. "What do you think of out Halloween costumes !" Emu said as she smiled at me with sparkles in her eyes.

"Are you supposed to be a vampire?"
Emu nods. "In that case, you need better fabric for your cape and also put red paint on your fangs so it looks like you've just sucked some blood. Oh, and fix your makeup it looks horrible."

Emu just giggled and elbowed Nene "See I told you he's good with fashion!" Emu smiled and thanked me before we started going to school.

Emu: "I'm so excited for Halloween!!!"

It's summer.

I walked into school and greeted my classmates. Saki stared deep into my soul for not waking her up. Ichika just started laughing at her because she looked silly.

Class went by slowly and boring. My grades weren't that good, but they weren't bad as well. I was average. Class was a little more loud than usual today, but I didn't question it. If there was something wrong, Ena would tell me. She knows everything about everyone.

My first encounter with Ena was rather unpleasant. She tends to be just like her brother, but she's just a little more honest. Brutally. We first met at the park when me and Toya were building sandcastles in preschool.


Tsukasa: Toya, look at this huge one I built! Your penguin figures could fit inside.

It was fall, and it rained often. The sand got all wet and muddy, perfect for building castles.

Me and Toya loved to do that and play our Kings Castle game where our toys attacked each other's castle. In summer, we would play it too but had to bring a water bottle to make the sand wet.

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