Chapter 14 - Getting a Familiar Part 2

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Tiamat had just arrived at the location which the ORC is at where they had been searching for a familiar. Ddraig had been expecting something like this to happen but not so soon as a brawl between the Youngest Super Devil and the Strongest Dragon King is about to begin

Ddraig: Be careful Issei, she's the strongest Dragon King Tiamat, the Chaos Karma Dragon.

Issei: Got it partner.

Tiamat: Your host has a lot of gall coming here.

Ddraig: Tiamat I would suggest that you do not pick a fight with this host of mine it will end badly for you.

Tiamat: Ha! As if this host is different from your other ones, he'll be dead before you know it.

Issei: You know for being the Strongest Dragon King, you should know better that to judge a person just because they keep their aura and strength hidden, but then anyway who am I to say. DO IT DDRAIG.

Ddraig: Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker

Issei: Rias I want you and everyone else to get the hell out of here it's going to get ugly fast.

As Issei gives that warning, he's blindsided by a tail whip from Tiamat.

Tiamat: You should focus on the fight in front of you boy.

Issei: And I thought you are the type of person who didn't take cheap shots

Issei: So mind telling me why she your guts so much Ddraig?

Ddraig: To be honest partner I do not remember, its been a long time since we last talked civilly

Tiamat: So you don't remember Ddraig, I'll kill you and your host then .

As Issei and Tiamat start battling ,the ORC reached a safe distance which they won't get hurt, as they watch Issei and Tiamat fight they can't follow their movements only see the streaks of Cyan Blue and Silver White across the sky as the two battle for supremacy,  Tiamat had the upper advantage at first due to the tail whip which disoriented Issei at first as he wasn't expecting it but as the fight went on he started to gain the upper advantage and dominate the situation.

Tiamat: Grrrr this boy is still in this fight I'm nearly close to full power and it seems like he still not even using half his power.

Ddraig: As I told you Tiamat ,you shouldn't have picked a fight with my current host ,he might no, he will be come the strongest host I've had Past , Present and Future.

As Tiamat reaches full power, Issei decides its time to finish the fight as he doesn't want to drag it out longer because of the forthcoming rating game

Ddraig: [Boost ×50] [Explosion]

Issei: Tiamat I've had fun but it's time to end this consider this my thank you for giving me this fight. [ARCTIC WASTELAND! ABSOLUTE ZERO!!!!!!!]

That Ice blast took down Tiamat and heavily damaged her, seeing that she was completely and utterly dominated Tiamat concedes defeat.

Tiamat: You've won boy, kill me and end my suffering.

Issei: Why would I do that? Would you tell me why you hate Ddraig so much? He doesn't really remember much

Tiamat: So you really don't remember Ddraig?

Ddraig: To be honest Tiamat I don't.

Tiamat: You forgot that you promised me eggs!!!!!!!

At that point Issei was flabbergasted by this , showing his disappointment at Ddraig for forgetting such a thing.

Issei: Come on Ddraig, seriously 😑

Ddraig: I'm sorry partner for this , I just got so caught up in my rivalry with Albion.

Issei: So how about this I find a way to get you out of the gear for a time and you and Tiamat can reconcile.

Tiamat: You'd do that ?

Issei: I feel like you deserve happiness , Tiamat.

Tiamat: Thank you Issei. I have a request for you.

Issei: What is it?

Tiamat: Would you become my master?

Issei: Wait really, you want to become my familiar?

Tiamat: Yes.

Issei: Alright then I agree, but then I should also infrom you of my actual identity.

Tiamat: What do you mean by that, I would be surprised if you are Ultimate-Class Devil considering your strength.

Issei: *Sweatdrops* Its actually a lot more complicated than that. You see my name is actually Lucias Lucifuge, Son of Euclid Lucifuge, nephew of Grayfia Lucifuge and I'm not an Ultimate-Class Devil, I'm actually a Super Devil

At that point Tiamat's eyes widen as she realises that she's actually been fight one of the strongest devil's in existence and at that he was holding back.

Tiamat: Wow so you weren't fighting me at full power were you?

Issei: No I wasn't due to the fact that I had conserve my energy for the rating game I have in 5 days, its for my Aunt's future after all.

Tiamat: I see

The ORC returns and Issei reassures them that Tiamat won't endanger them anymore, they were shocked to hear that Tiamat wants to become Issei's familiar, then Rias then showed Issei how to form a familiar contract with Tiamat and their visit was completed.

/Next Chapter will be Rating Game against the Fried Chicken , I mean Riser, till then everyone Cheers/

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