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12. Trying Not 2 focus on u.

"Siddharth, please stop pacing around and just help me out here. I barely know which shirts you want to take with you," Rohan says, hands fumbling with the younger's clothes while his eyes search through his extremely wide wardrobe. How is it he has ten plain white shirts? And ten black ones? One would think that having the amount of money the kid has, he'd at least get many different colors.

"I can't. I'm not going," is all the reply he gets, barely audible over the sound of the large TV turned on in the background. Rohan hears how the cute reporter keeps alerting about possible winter storms throughout tomorrow but says nothing.

"Seriously, we've been through this. You're doing it for all those employees that need their jobs to live," he pauses before adding, "And for Abhi, of course." He talks as if he was talking to a toddler because if he didn't know any better, he may be.

"As if he's ever done anything for me," Siddharth huffs. Rohan can't help the eye roll as he sends him a judging glance from over his shoulder.

"Hey, he has and you know it. Now, black or white?" he asks holding two shirts, one in each hand, though it really doesn't make much of a difference considering the guy is wearing a black one right at this moment.

"I'm just staying for a day," Siddharth is the one to roll his eyes now, ignoring the fact that he just said he wasn't going anyway since it's not like he has much of a choice. His eyes go to the clock on his bedside table and he winces as the numbers tick by in abnormal speed. He keeps moving from one side of his room to the other, the sunrise mocking him from the window.

"If things go well, you two are going to spend Christmas in Japan watching anime without leaving the hotel room," Rohan's smug grin is heard through his words.

"Funny. I actually called the hotel to check our rooms were in different floors," Siddharth says with a smirk, as if proud of himself; it's the only thing that relaxes him ever so slightly, the idea of eight floors separating them. Rohan doesn't know if to laugh or take pity on the poor guy.

"Not much faith in yourself, huh?" He asks with an eyebrow raised before looking back at the suitcase with a grimace. Can it be any emptier?

"I think recent events are enough proof of that..." the younger replies ashamed as he bites on his lower lip, ignoring the sting.

"Right," his cousin flinches as he puts three shirts inside the suitcase on the bed. "If anything happens you can always call me though. You know that, right?" he asks turning around to face the younger after zipping the suitcase closed.

"Thank you, really. For everything. I know I don't say it often...but it's good to have you around, always has been," Siddharth says with a small, almost embarrassed smile gracing his lips. It makes the older's heart swell. He knows how hard it is for his cousin to open up, let alone talk about his emotions, so it really warms up his heart when he does.

"I know Sid, don't worry. I have your back. Always will," rohan says, a hand on his shoulder and an incredible softness flooding his expression. He gives him an affectionate squeeze before shaking his head, not wanting to make Siddharth any more uncomfortable. "Enough of that, you got your plane tickets? Passport?"

"Yes, sir," answers the younger forcing the nerves back down.

"Okay, just one day. You can do this, remember what we talked about," Rohan replies and Siddharth groans because ugh, this isn't helping at all.

"Yes, I know. It'd be easier if I didn't have to go at all, though..." he says under his breath, placing the suitcase off the bed.

"Nice try, kiddo. Go, the car is waiting," the older replies and with one last pat on the back, Siddharth goes.

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