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The playground buzzed with the joyful noise of children playing, their laughter and shouts filling the warm Perth air. The sun shone brightly, casting playful shadows across the yard. Amidst the lively scene, a young boy with a mischievous grin and sparkling eyes swung upside down from the monkey bars.

Nearby, a young girl sat on a bench, gazing across the playground at all her peers. A shy and thoughtful child who often preferred the company of her parents and their stories to the boisterous games of the playground. Her legs swung gently over the edge of the bench, her children's poetry book lying closed beside her.

The boy, always on the lookout for something or someone new to engage with, noticed her sitting all alone. He watched her for a moment, curious about the quiet girl who seemed so different from the other children. Swinging down from the monkey bars with an impressive display of agility, he landed on the ground and made his way over to her.

"Hey! You! What's your name?" He called out, his voice cheerful and inviting, yet still slightly startling the girl who seemed to have been staring intently at the grains of sand by her feet.

The girl looked up, surprised to be addressed. "Me?" He nods. "My name is Talia. What's yours?"

With a wide grin, he holds his hand out for her to shake. "I'm Daniel! Wanna see something cool?"

Curiosity sparked in Talia's eyes. "Okay."

He holds out his hand for her yet again, but this time pulling her up from her seat. He drags her all the way back to the monkey bars and the swing sets, proceeding to show her a few of his tricks. If Talia didn't know any better, she would say he was showing off; but truth be told, she was slightly impressed.

Daniel had introduced her to his own friend, Hunter, whom he had been spending his day with prior to meeting Talia. The three of them spent the remainder of their afternoon chasing each other around the playground. For the first time in a long time, Talia hated hearing the bell ring and having to drag herself up to class.

She bade her farewell to the two boys, and moved to join her own class. By the end of the day, she was buzzing to get home and tell her parents about the friends she had finally made. Talia was stood in the pickup line after school when Daniel had found her again.

"Hey!" he appears next to her, a bright smile still plastered across his face. "Why are you always alone?"

"Just am." Talia shrugs, returning his smile.

"Cool. Well, I have something I wanted to give you!" Reaching into his pocket, Daniel pulled out a candy ring packet. He sits down next to her, holding it out with a wide grin. "Here! It's for you. We can be best friends now."

Talia blushed, a giggle escaping her lips. "Really? Like in all those stories and poems?"

Daniel nodded enthusiastically. "Best friends! Forever!"

From that moment on, Daniel and Talia were inseparable. They spent their days exploring the playground, sharing secrets, and dreaming about the future. Their bond was strong and pure, a friendship forged in the innocence of childhood.

Little did they know, the promise they made on that sunny afternoon, sealed with a candy ring, would be tested by time and distance. Yet, through every challenge they faced, their bond would struggle, shaping their lives in ways they could never have imagined.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29 ⏰

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