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I was just kicked out of my own fucking house. I grab my stuff, shove it in my 2014 Buick Encore, and drive away. I hope they fucking die. It was raining and storming, there was a tornado watch. Of course bad timing, I was always the hated child. Well now I'm not, considering I'm not their child anymore. As the middle, nobody ever gave a shit about me. But that didn't matter anymore. 1 hour through the road trip from Texas to Michigan, some random idiot was speeding near a cliff. Reminds me of a stupid horror story. I try to drive away from him, but he just follows me. Of course, the police were behind him. Classic true crime story. As I speed, not paying attention where I'm going-he gets faster and faster. When I look ahead, I see the cliff. Holy shit I'm about to crash. I step on the brakes-unfortunately-it doesn't stop. A way a dumbass would day, right when I stop just above the cliff, thinking it's safe. That jackass bitch crashes into my car, sending me off the cliff. Shit shit shit. Fuck. I'm only 19!! I can't die now!! As I hit the ground, everything blacks out. Shit. Welp... goodbye cruel wo-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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