Little Missy Muffet comes from a peticular family: human from a mother, spider from a father, she knows her nursery rhyme by heart, and arrives at Monster High slowly, carried by the spidery strangeness of her childhood. But the relationship between...
Is there somebody on this page ? (You're at the end of the world... It's three pennies).
Never thought I will post this one day....
I just wanted to post chapters, but I wanted to share this too, so I think that sometimes, when something need to be clarified about this Fanfic, I will do BC, or ''Between Chapters''.
But you know, Missy is an OC of long date, and you're probably asking yourself about her appearance in the book, as this is not really the main focus. Well, as we are on the fourth chapter I published (and this is probably a mess too), here's a Missy-messy drawing (I'm, like, very bad, and I was blessed with dyspraxia for all my existence, so yeah, this is not great, but... I like the pastel touch .... And I succeeded to draw a Skullette - Thank God !).
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I🕷 Missy is the daughter of an Human (Miss Muffet / Millicent), and a Spider-Monster (Miss Muffet's Spider / Ariadnus). As such, her skin is a blend of black and pale white (so, greyish). She inherited her hair colour from her spider father, Ariadnus, and her thrice-paired eyes are actually a very strange genetic inheritance of human and spider eyes.
II🕷 Talking of peticular mutations... She possess seven fingers on each hands. For this, the answer is more simple : hybrid of two species, a thing that can be very chaotic depending of the wild choices of Mother-Nature. Missy at least, was chosen to have fingers, and not the ''full package''.
III🕷 Missy is small, which is a curiosity... because her parents are tall, even her mother. This is, this time, not really because of inter-species marriage, but more one of these traits that can be you're because of a grandparent or great-grandparent, for example - and this can be more from the paternal side if you want my insight.
IV🕷 In another hand (ha ha... pun), Missy can't create webs, can't crawl on the ceiling like Wydowna or any Spider-Monster. It's because her hands are too human-shaped to workout web, and there was many accidents were some mutations from her young age formed... very nasty things, that necessitated some ''operations'' at home...
IIV🕷 As a Hybrid, Missy early childhood was not only difficult because of the human-monster's chaos. When you're from two different species, its a hit or miss on the biological term, you don't control the issue without proper mad science or very (like very) calculated lineage in the Monster World of this fanfic. You probably read that she was blind until a certain age, because of her vulnerable genetic - there was actually many other things that happened, and that make sure that her growth was chaotic at best.
IIIV🕷 But, despite all these downsides, Missy possess a very enigmatic affinity with Spiders... More on that on the next chapters, but being a Hybrid is SOMETHING.
I think that Between Chapters would be great to explain some things that I can't develop inside my chapters, or to make some points about something. Also, as there is many informations that come in all my chapters, I think this would be better if I give some explanations that don't spoil or say something too important about the characters.
A little Bonus if you want ! What do you think of the concept (this maybe a little stupid, but I really want my readers to not be lost, because I'm kinda a white rabbit that nobody want to follow... because do you want to follow rabbits into their burrows !?) ?
This will also be the place where I can ask questions, and will talking... here's the question of this BC !
🕷 - What do you think of the character of Missy Muffet yet (is she pass the Mary Sue test, for now ?) ?