Chapter 3 - free

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A.U: ahhh my story is the top story off 110 stories under bi-sexual

3rd person:
A few later and Hazel focuses on herself and her show with Starstruck theatre group. She has an amazing time with them and she met some really loves the people she met along the way. She has fallen for a girl called Pippa. She is really pretty and has good personality. But the problem is that they live 30 minutes away from each other and would only see each other at the rehearsals and shows. Hazel doesn't tell and one in the friend group about Pip except Harlow has met her as she also doe the shows. Lucas and Harper know something is up with Hazel as she seems happier (she has been quiet and secretive ever since she broke up with Adrien) which of course is a good thing but you know it felt strange to them.
"Hazel, are you ok? You seem happier recently not that it's a bad thing, but it's just you haven't really been yourself since you broke up with... well you know who," Lucas questioned the blonde haired girl.
"Yeah, I'm ok, i may seem happier because i like someone, but before you ask you don't know her as we met from my shows outside of school and she lives half an hour away." Hazel explained.
"Oh," Harper said as she secretly wanted it to be her as no one knows but she likes Hazel. Scratch that no one knows she's a lesbian as Harper is scared to come out to them. Not because she's not afraid that they won't accept her as she knows they would as a lot of people in the friend group are openly part of the LGBTQ+ community . It's because if her brother finds it he would tell her parents and she doesn't know how they would react.
"Harper, are you ok? I think you zoned out for a minute there," Hazel laughed lightly
"Yeah, i did sorry," harper joined Hazel's laugh
"No need to apologise Hazel does it a lot" Lucas joined into the girls laughter.
"Well, back to pip, are you gonna ask her out?' Harper asked hoping it'll be a no
"Maybe or maybe she'll ask me out." Hazel said excitedly. Harper just sighed and Lucas gave her a look of sorrow. She doesn't know why but she think Lucas knows she likes Hazel.

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