🔪1. who hurt you?🔪

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Sunny was sitting on his mattress texting Basil on his computer

B0s1/: okay in the city? I bet it's loud I remember u saying you hated loud things :(

Snuuy: yeah I'm fine it's not that bad if u just wear headphones I guess. :-/

B0s1/: that's good! :) I miss you sunny.. :/

Snuuy: I miss you too.-_- u okay?

B0s1/: well I get death threats so I barely go outside anymore I don't blame them tho.. :/

Snuuy: sorry..

B0s1/: it's not ur fault sunny! :) brb gotta take out the trash :P

Snuuy: k.

He logged off his computer and hugged his legs he looked at his knees remembering something.

🔪Sunny's point of view -memory beginning-🔪

I was sitting with Basil looking at the water with him "hey Sunny?" He asked "yeah?" I remember my voice was a little raspy that day from dehydration and running around. "Can you make a promise?" He asked "sure what is it?" I remember saying something like that.

"Promise me we'll be together forever?" He held out his pinkie in front of my hand "I promise.." I remember locking our pinkies together and shaking them a classic pinkie promise. I remember Basil smiling and then started to run to the ocean with everyone else. "Bet I'll beat you to the ocean Sunny!" He snickered I started chasing him. But then I fell in the water my left knee hit a sharp shell or rock.

"Sunny are you okay?!" He grabbed my hand lifting me up he was stronger than he looked. My knee was scrapped up and it was bleeding I remember hero and Mari rushing over to see if it was okay it didn't hurt but Mari carried me over to the towel to disinfect it and heal it anyway as hero went to get stuff to treat it Mari tried getting out the rock or shell my head was on Basil's lap. Aubrey and Kel were asking questions and so did Basil.

I remember the sting of the alcohol clear as day in my mind as hero disinfected it once the shell or rock was out I remember Mari and Hero staying with me I slept in Mari's lap I remember thinking they were a better mom and dad than my real ones.

Mari.. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to push you.. I'm not a good brother you were such a good sister..

🔪Sunny's point of view -memory finished-🔪

Sunny realized he was crying as he heard dings from his computer he dried off his tears and logged on.

B0s1/: hey sunny I'm back! ^^

B0s1/: u okay it's been 5 mins?

B0s1/: ur probably busy I'm sorry..

Snuuy: I wasn't bust just zoned out

B0s1/: u okay? :(

Snuuy: not rlly.

B0s1/: we can talk about it if u want Sunny

Snuuy: I'll be okay. Dw about me :^)

B0s1/: u sure?

Snuuy: yeah.

B0s1/: okie dokie! :)

B0s1/: oh yeah I also got my drivers permit so I can go to ur house whenever u need me oki! :) don't be afraid to text me!!

Snuuy: almost forgot ur going to be 17 soon lol.

B0s1/: yeah same lol-_-

Snuuy: could u actually come over..?

B0s1/: yeah sure do u need me to stay the night? I'll bring snacks and we can watch movies like we used to ^o^

Snuuy: awesome sauce.

B0s1/: be right there!! :)

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