This Romance is Too Late!: A Shoujo Masters Story.

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(It had been quite a while since I last wrote anything down. I can't believe I procrastinated on this for so long!)

Max (the Rabbit): " Max Victorine-Lyon here, welcoming you to Celestials Bulletin. Today on WSBT News, I'm your host, and we have a special guest with us: Mickey Mouse!"

Mickey: "It is indeed a pleasure to be here. It has been quite some time since I last participated in a broadcast like this."

Max: "I presume you are aware of the developments about the Supernaturals? The escalating number of supernatural entities is a significant concern."

Mickey: "I could not explain how they have entered our world. They're quite different than the average Frankenstein!" *He smiled brightly, adjusting his tie. He couldn't screw over this important event, not that he wanted to. Right now, he was with a reporter from The Freelance Police Station*

Max: "Heh, so, I hear you're running for president. How's that gonna go?"

Mickey: "Quite, simple. Many people who have like-mindedness to me should know of these horrible creatures, I say even, for Demi-naturals (half-supernaturals), we should rise, and *He changed his tone to a kind one, to fawn innocence* help them find a better place to live than our beautiful earth.

Max: "Where do you suppose they go?"

Mickey: "That's a surprise that can help us later, but for now, I say we just stick to the jive of things, I hear many boys from the Philippines will be there....?"

Max: "I was always curious about why there were so many Supernaturals there. Heck, their capital is called Sin City?!" "Does that make sense to you?"

*Mickey stood up mid-speech and dismissed himself. Max looked astonished, surprised he had the nerve to leave. He closed off the broadcast, following his guest into the woods, seeing Mickey carry something. Was that a boy? Why did he look so dammed? There are so many burning questions, but no trace of his guest. He had just spotted*

(This was so much fun!!! Oh my Stars, this shit gonna go dark so quickly, love yall, Sex Education is back baby!!!!)

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