The Main Course: The Infodump of The Ages: Lara

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Has anyone had a thought that's been stuck in their brain for so long that they had to write it?

I wanna explain maybe a.... say roaring 20s style thing?

Main Roster:
Lara Rabbit (Bugs Mother)
Johnathan (Johnny) Bunny (Bugs Father)
Daphnne Duck (Daffys Mother)
Drake James-Arnold Mallard (Daffys Step-father, we don't talk about his actual father)
Patricia Bunny (Lola's mother, she doesn't have a father, cause I don't think she had one in the series???)
Frank Russo (Tina's father, idk what happened to her mother???)
Phineas & Pauline Pig (Porkys grandparents, they're still going strong)
Latte Darlington (Cuphead and Mugman's mother)
Walter Holloware (Cuphead and Mugman's father)
Levi Holloware (Walter's Brother & Future Caregiver)

Thx for staying with me so far. It's gonna get worse.

First up:

Lara Rabbit:

Name: Lara Rabbit
Preferred Names/Nicknames: "Doll" by Levi, "Lana" by Patricia (she tries so hard to say her name, but her southern twang always ends up calling her Lana) "Bitch" by Frank
Ages, at least in these backstories: 17 to 22
Height: 3'9", plus the ears would make her 4 feet?
Weight: (She's not telling, but why? Does she think we'll laugh?)
Friends: Walter, Latte, Pauline, Phineas, Patricia, Frank (She sees him as a somewhat friend, she doesn't know him that well)
Rivals/Enemies: Levi (huh, so she likes his brother and not him, that's favoritism.) Drake, Daphne, Johnathan (Enemies to lovers????)

Personality: Lara is a beautiful ranch-hand who sought fame in the big city. But she has quite the big ego, dragging others along with her misfortune and pestering those who don't stand a chance. She's a very traditional woman, believing men should work and ladies should stay in the kitchen. She had always had a thing for Johnathan, especially when she met him in New York X, a futuristic New York. She's quite spoiled, bratty, and make sure that if anyone defies her, they'll pay.

Fun Facts:
1. Lara is based on Lara Croft from Tomb Raider.
2. Lara is an actual character in TLTS despite only having a minor role. (I kept her appearance the same to it(
3. Lara's (Teenage) voice claim is Niki Yang
4. Lara's weapon of choice is a riffle.
5. Lara had chosen Bugs name based of her grandfather.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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