Chocolate Overload - Neodd/Neilxtodd

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POV: Todd Morrison

Me and Neil recently finished a science experiment for science class. Neil was whining about how he wanted some chocolate cake, so we went to the kitchen to bake one. I'm not the best at cooking though, so we are using a box of chocolate cake mix. I know we have some chocolate frosting in the fridge from Neil's birthday last week, which is nice.

I turn around and see Neil already tearing open the cake mix. I grab out some bowls and spatulas. I grab the oil and eggs and make Neil put them in the mix as I get the oven set to the right temperature. I begin to grease the pan so it doesn't get stuck to the pan as it bakes. Neil is mixing water, oil, and the eggs into the mix. It doesn't take long for it all to mix together. Neil pours all of it into the pan. He opens the oven and sets it inside. "Uhhh it's gonna take forever."   - Neil. "Oh hush it wont take THAT long." - T.


Neil has been waiting in the kitchen the entire time. Neil Noticed it was done and immediately took it out. "Let's frost it now! I wanna eat some." - N. I walk to the fridge and grab out the frosting and a spoon because I don't feel like washing the spatula. I set it down on the counter next to Neil. He quickly opens it and globs a huge dollop of chocolate frosting in the middle of the cake. "Holy shit, that's a lot of frosting." - T. "The more the merrier!" - N. Neil spreads it all around the cake, not missing a single area. "Okay now we can have it!!" - N. "Looks chocolaty"    -T. 

I begin to Cut the cake. "We probably should have taken it out before we frosted it.." - T. "That's what he said." - N. "What the fuck are you even talking about." - T. "Nothing!" - N. "Uh-huh... anyway, it's cut now." - T. "Yay!!" Neil says as he grabs a spoon and scoops out a big slice. He shoves a bite into Todd's mouth. "Holy shit that's sweet" - T. "I bet it's not THAT bad!" Neil says as he takes a bite. "HOLY SHIT THAT'S SWEET" - N. "Told you" - T.

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