S2 E2: Gabby Pierce Salvatore Returns

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Gabby's POV: I quietly followed my older twin sister Wednesday AndShe led me to a secret hideout that looks really cool I looked around

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Gabby's POV: I quietly followed my older twin sister Wednesday And
She led me to a secret hideout that looks really cool I looked around...
at my surroundings and I didn't see that Wednesday Saw Me And Was
Staring At Me In Shock Because I Kinda Look Like Her But A Younger
And Not That Identical Version Of Her. Wednesday: What The Hell?!?
Why Do You Kinda Look Like Me But Not Identical? W—Who Are You
And How'd You Get Into The Secret Hideout?! Gabby: H—Hi I'm Gabby
And I'm You're Younger Twin Sister I've Lived With Katerina Our Mom
For Most Of My Childhood And Then I Had To Take Care Of Myself After
I Turned Into A Teenager You're Wednesday Pierce Salvatore The Savior
Of Mystic Falls And Daughter Of Katherine Pierce And Damon Salvatore
Right? Wednesday: What The Hell? My Dad Well I Guess Our Dad Never
Told Me I Had A Twin Sister Or A Sister And He Never Told Me Anything
About Our Mom Either But She Came Here So I Got To Meet Her And I...
Spent Some Time With Her Can I Call You Gabs? Gabby: Sure I Like That
Wednesday Anyways Do You Know Where Our Dad Is Or Could Be? I—I'd
Like To See And Talk To Him If That's Possible. Wednesday: Oh Yeah Sure
I'll Show You Where Our Dad Probably Is And I'll Also Show You Around
Mystic Falls If You Want You Could Easily Get Lost Here. Gabby: O—Okay
Sure Thanks Sista. (Wednesday Nods And Shows Gabby Around The Town
Of Mystic Falls And Shows Her Where Their Dad Is) There's Our Dad Over
There Ordering Drinks/Shots Of Bourbon His Favorite I—I'll Walk Over To
Him With You And Introduce You To Him If You Want Me To. Gabby: Oh I
Think I'll Be Fine Thank You I'll See You Later Sista. WednesdaySP: Oh Uh
Okay Well Good Luck I Need To Go Find Someone So I'll See You Later Bye
Gabs. Gabby: Okay Good Luck On You're Mission Bye Sista. Wednesday Um
Looks At Gabby Weirdly But Shook Her Head And Vampire Sped Away From
Her And Out Of The Grill To Find Matt Donovan Her New Friend Wednesday
Thought It Was Weird Of Gabby To Say Okay Good Luck On You're Mission...
Bye Sista. How Does She Know About Secret Missions Is She A Villain In Uhh
Disguise? Could She Be A Problem I Need To Worry About?! I'm So Confused.
I decided that picking on Matt can wait because I'm going to spy on my sister
to see if she's going to be a problem that I'll need to take care of to keep mystic
falls safe. I—I can pick on or tease Matt and run him over with my car anytime
but this can't wait I need to find out if gabby could be bad and if I'll have to take
her out to keep everyone in mystic falls safe. Yeah You Heard Me Right I May...
Like To Run Over Matt With My Car He's Still Alive So It's Fine I Didn't Hurt Or
Kill Him But I Definitely Could If I Wanted To Or Had To I quickly turned myself
invisible with my magical witchy powers and followed my younger sister around
in the mystic grill softly breathing in and out so she couldn't hear me breathing
while I'm spying on her she walked up to my our dad I guess and stole one of his
bourbon drinks and gulped it down and didn't make a face or cringe at the taste
and the burn of the bourbon when it went down her throat. Our dad looked at
her shocked and confused and kinda mad because she stole one of his drinks
of bourbon his favorite drink to drown himself in and she smirked at him 😏
which didn't help because when he's mad he's mad and he'll do crazy and bad
things if he's really mad which isn't good but hey that's how he is and I respect
him and admire him for it he's my role model because he's the only grown up
and rule setter and rule breaker I've known for a long time. He's always been
there for me ever since I was a baby I'm his baby girl and nothing will or could
ever change that right?!? I—I Asked Myself In My Head But Didn't Get An Uhh
Answer After a few hours of watching Gabby I figured out that she's not a Uhm
Problem I'll Have To Worry About So I Can Go Find Matt And Pick On Him And
Maybe Run Him Over With My Car Now That's My Favorite Thing To Do In My
Free Time For Fun So I Found Him Outside On His Break From Working And
Snuck Up Behind Him And Jumped Onto His Back And Made Myself Visible...
So He Can See Me "O—Oh No Not This Again Get Off Of My Back Wednesday."
Matt Said Annoyed I Got Off His Back Easily And Turned Around So I Was Uh
Face To Face With Him Now And I Booped Him On The Nose Giggling "Boop!
Hahaha I Love Playing With You Like This Mattie!" Matt Rolled His Eyes And
Tried To Run Away From Wednesday "You can run but you can't hide Mattie!"
Wednesday Said Chasing Him Giggling A Big Black Van Came Rushing Towards
Her And She Got Flung Into The Air Because The Van Hit Her And She Landed
On The Ground With A Loud Thud As She Felt And Heard A Loud Cracking Uh
Noise And Felt Lots Of Pain Run Through Her Whole Body And She Let Out A
Scream But No One Could Hear Her Except For Whoever Was In The Big Van
That Ran Her Over. Wednesday's POV: I felt pain run through my whole body
after I got hit and ran over by the big black van and I tried to keep my eyes open
so I could see if someone I knew or know would get out of the van but I didn't see
someone I knew or know what I saw was a shadowy dark figure wearing all black
so I couldn't see them and tell who it was that hit me and ran me over. The figure
moved closer to me in a fast vampire speed and I screamed out loud for help as...
loud as I could so hopefully someone would hear me and come help me but no Uh
one came to help me and the dark figure grabbed me and threw me into the back
of the black van that hit me and ran me over probably breaking almost all of my
bones even though I'm a newly turned vampire again it's taking so long for me
to heal I can hardly breathe now I'm hoping and praying that Tyler or my dad
will find me and save me I don't know what's happening all I know is that I'm
getting kidnapped by a dark black figure that I can't tell who kidnapped me it's
all foggy I—I can't see anything right now the accident definitely messed up my
vision and how my mind and brain works I could have some brain bleeding or
something I really need help please save me Tyler I love you. I tried to contact
him through his mind hoping it'd work and he'd find me and save me from Uh
whoever is kidnapping me. To Be Continued More Episodes To Come Bye 👋🏻 X

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