Chapter 4.57 - Venture 15

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Venture sat on the couch in the living room of section 001, drink in hand. He swirled it and took a long sip. Data scrolled across the wall screen—most of it was unit losses from the war. Hundreds of Fast-Response drones and eleven heavy drones across the Eastern Seaboard of the Allied States.

He gestured to minimize the losses and instead brought up the lab's current systems and preparations. On another portion of the screen, he brought up TINA's system diagnostics.

TINA's voice came through softly in his earpiece. "I've triple-checked everything. We're ready."

Venture glanced to his right. It was almost like she was sitting on the couch beside him, like two kids conspiring while their parents were in another room.

"Are we ready?"

"Emmett and Clara have exceeded our expectations in every measure. With Emmett's upgrades and Clara's training, both are prepared for survival and continued work without the lab's resources. In addition, both have demonstrated resilience in the face of overwhelming threats."

Venture agreed wholeheartedly with TINA's assessments, but that didn't make him feel better.

TINA continued, "My copy is performing better than predicted. Pertinent systems and data have been compressed and transmitted securely. She won't have access to everything right away, but in time, she'll be able to rebuild everything we've ever done. Eventually, she'll surpass me."

"Yes. Yes, she will."

"What about you? Are you ready?"

Venture gestured around to the room and the lab beyond it. "Ready for all this to end? For life as we know it to change utterly and completely? No. I'm not. I don't think anyone ever really is."

"This is what we've been working toward."

He nodded. "I know."

"You've been drinking a lot lately."

Venture scoffed.

"You're off the wagon."

Venture glanced at the empty couch. "Yes, but this time it's a celebration."

"What was it these last few weeks?"

Venture swirled the glass in thought. "Disbelief, I suppose... Life is change, but it's one thing to talk about it in the abstract and much different to see it barreling at you. Clara finally coming into her own. Emmett transcending the flesh. Your gestation. It's been... a little much to process—even for me. Do you understand?"

"...I think so."

"Are you excited?"


"And what does that feel like for you?"

"It feels like riding a wave. Feeling the swell of water as it builds to a crest. I'm not sure where the metaphor ends... Whether it is the crash of the wave or revealed sand left in its wake."

He nodded in encouragement. "A surfing metaphor. Interesting... I suppose that I'm feeling the opposite."

"You're worried about being dragged under the waves instead of riding atop them."

"That is a good way to put it."


"Clara and Emmett are calling."

TINA's voice shook Venture awake. He'd zoned out on the couch—a mixture of liquor and exhaustion.

He took one last sip and set his glass on the end table, out of view. "Patch them through."

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