CHAPTER 4: So It Begins

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To carry on.

"Oh, and don't ask how this all happened because i quite simply haven't got a clue-" Daron remarked, sounding cheesy.

"Let me start off simple then... How old are you?" Lisa spoke with a curious tone.

"15- well... Almost 16, but- yeah, whatever. 15, 16? Whatever one you prefer." He shrugged. "I'm 16 in like a week and a half."

"Damn- you're... Young." Lisa seemed quite shocked. "You're that young and you went that far out from your group? You're that young and you even... saved a life?"

"Seems as though your bursting with questions!" Daron was obviously very amused. "I didn't even mean to go that far from the group. I just heard your loud ass RV... And about that whole saving a life thing, I didn't actually know what i was doing... I just saw a woman with an issue and I acted on it. And hey, because I acted on it, my rations are split in half and now we have another person living with us! Oh what's that thing called again?! I- uh... Effect of the butterfly? Goddamit it's on the tip of my tongue-"

Lisa held in laughter as the boy blabbered on. "Its called a butterfly effect. I see why you'd compare it to that."

"That's the one!" Daron glanced off the rooftop, down at the moaning mess of undead beneath the roof. "Damn. They're growing everyday."

"Mhm. God- this is still alot to take in."

"I'm still taking it in... If that helps?"

"Whatever anyway... Say- let's move away from this dark, dull crap... You went to school before all this, right? What'd you study?" Lisa would then ask, with a sweet smile.

"Oh, nah, I'm a dropout. I never did any work, never went to my classes and stuff... Lippy, antisocial... You name it!" He'd then awkwardly smile, glancing down at the floor now instead as he scratched his neck. "I was actually supposed to be enrolled in a new school... Yesterday. But this all happened. I can't tell if God decided to bless or curse me."

Lisa's eyes widened some. She didn't expect such an answer - especially from a boy so generous and kind so far. "Woah... That's... Interesting. I... Didn't expect that."

"That a good or bad thing?" Daron playfully challenged.

"You decide." Lisa crossed her arms.

He shook his head. "Now let me ask," he then begun. "You don't look like a fossil. How old are you?"

"22." Lisa crossed her arms.

"My guess was right! Indeed, not a fossil." Daron finally glanced back up at her, his blue eyes shining like a tropical ocean on a sunny day. "Were you still in school or did you have a job?"

"I was in college. Though i was... Close to dropping out." She'd let out a long sigh. "I wanted to be a boxer. Really did. Boxing... Cagefighting... All that appealed to me. I wanted to dropout of college to pursue that full time. But hey - this all happened, and now I'm confused, stuck on a rooftop with pretty much complete strangers plus the weight of my sisters death..." she shut her eyes as she said the word sister. "All while some undead apocalypse is unfolding." she then reopened her eyes, to the sight of a sympathetic Daron, similar to yesterday - on that highway.

"I mean," Daron then begun. "You haven't lost your mind or- you know- so... That's a plus."

"I guess." She'd stare off the rooftop.

Daron shifted his weight, thinking about how to carry on the conversation. "You know, before all this chaos, I was literally just a kid with a charm for trouble. No issues... I just was a little idiot. Behaving? not my thing. I'd rather explore abandoned buildings or steal R-rated movies. My parents... well, they tried to rein me in, but I was stubborn."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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