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It's so quiet now. That should probably make me tense, but it doesn't. I don't scan the trees like I usually do. Just stare straight ahead into the dark.

I feel like I should have been to the gate by now. Or I should have at least found...someone. But there is nothing, and I'm not sure I know what direction I'm going anymore. At this rate, I'm going to be the one to die next. It's freezing. I wonder if I'll die from hypothermia or from a monster finding me. I don't have very much luck. It'll probably be the second.


I turn, the familiar sound of the voice is what sends me towards it. I keep my guard up, stepping over sticks, and other things that would make noise. I make my way behind a tree, peeking around the corner to see Iris. He's more disheveled than he was when he left. There's rips on his clothes, and he looks a little dirty. Other than that, I see no injuries.

I want to go to him, but something tells me to wait. Iris isn't looking at me, instead straight ahead. He looks furious.

"Well, I'd rather just torment you myself, but I don't have my other body anymore. I really am impressed that at such a young age you were capable of killing me....then again I suppose you did always have your father as you liked to call him." Something around the corner creaks, like the sound a floor board would make if you stepped on it the wrong way. "He really does have such a strong body...wait, no the correct term is did. He did have a strong body, which now happens to be mine."

Iris lunges at what I assume is the puppet, the sounds of clanging sounding around the area. I look around the tree to try and see what's going on, but I can only catch glimpses of them through the trees and plants.

"You know that girl is just as much fun as you are! Always giving such perfect reactions to pain and terror. I'm sure you already know that though, seeing as how you stick to her like glue. You must be feeding off of that energy for yourself-"



"You don't know anything, but for putting us through that...through everything...I'll show you pain and terror." Is that Iris? He doesn't sound right.

I take a step in the direction I hear their voices coming from, immediately getting a clearer view.

As soon as I do, there is this horrible, liquid crushing sound.

I tense up immediately.

The puppet has it's hand through Iris' stomach.

There is absolutely no way he could survive something like that. Iris keeps completely still.

He can't be dead. A hit like that wouldn't kill him on impact- Iris isn't regular either he has to-

Tears pour from my eyes to the point where I can't even see the scene anymore. I'd rather have just died on the way here than have come here just to see this.

I don't want to see the only person I have loved this much die.

And yet here it is. It's happening.

My breathing labors, and I hold on to the tree next to me for support. I feel lightheaded-

"Is that all?"



Crk. Crk.



I wipe my tears as fast as I possibly can, trying to get a better view of the scene. It looks similar to how it did a minute ago, except...

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